Quickstart: Patterns and Best Practices


To install SQLAthanor, just execute:

$ pip install sqlathanor

Meta Configuration Pattern

from sqlathanor import declarative_base, Column, relationship, AttributeConfiguration

from sqlalchemy import Integer, String
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy

BaseModel = declarative_base()

class User(BaseModel):
  __tablename__ = 'users'

  __serialization__ = [AttributeConfiguration(name = 'id',
                                              supports_csv = True,
                                              csv_sequence = 1,
                                              supports_json = True,
                                              supports_yaml = True,
                                              supports_dict = True,
                                              on_serialize = None,
                                              on_deserialize = None),
                       AttributeConfiguration(name = 'addresses',
                                              supports_json = True,
                                              supports_yaml = (True, True),
                                              supports_dict = (True, False),
                                              on_serialize = None,
                                              on_deserialize = None),
                       AttributeConfiguration(name = 'hybrid',
                                              supports_csv = True,
                                              csv_sequence = 2,
                                              supports_json = True,
                                              supports_yaml = True,
                                              supports_dict = True,
                                              on_serialize = None,
                                              on_deserialize = None)]
                       AttributeConfiguration(name = 'keywords',
                                              supports_csv = False,
                                              supports_json = True,
                                              supports_yaml = True,
                                              supports_dict = True,
                                              on_serialize = None,
                                              on_deserialize = None)]
                       AttributeConfiguration(name = 'python_property',
                                              supports_csv = (False, True),
                                              csv_sequence = 3,
                                              supports_json = (False, True),
                                              supports_yaml = (False, True),
                                              supports_dict = (False, True),
                                              on_serialize = None,
                                              on_deserialize = None)]

  id = Column('id',
              primary_key = True)

  addresses = relationship('Address',
                           backref = 'user')

  _hybrid = 1

  def hybrid(self):
      return self._hybrid

  def hybrid(self, value):
      self._hybrid = value

  def hybrid(cls):
    return False

  keywords = association_proxy('keywords', 'keyword')

  def python_property(self):
    return self._hybrid * 2

Declarative Configuration Pattern

from sqlathanor import declarative_base, Column, relationship

from sqlalchemy import Integer, String

BaseModel = declarative_base()

class User(BaseModel):
  __tablename__ = 'users'

  id = Column('id',
              primary_key = True,
              supports_csv = True,
              csv_sequence = 1,
              supports_json = True,
              supports_yaml = True,
              supports_dict = True,
              on_serialize = None,
              on_deserialize = None)

  addresses = relationship('Address',
                           backref = 'user',
                           supports_json = True,
                           supports_yaml = (True, True),
                           supports_dict = (True, False),
                           on_serialize = None,
                           on_deserialize = None)

Serializing Model Instances

# For a SQLAlchemy Model Class named "User" with an instance named "user":

as_csv = user.to_csv()     # CSV
as_json = user.to_json()   # JSON
as_yaml = user.to_yaml()   # YAML
as_dict = user.to_dict()   # dict

Updating a Model Instance

# For a SQLAlchemy Model Class named "User" with an instance named "user"
# and serialized objects "as_csv" (string), "as_json" (string),
# "as_yaml" (string), and "as_dict" (dict):

user.update_from_csv(as_csv)   # CSV
user.update_from_json(as_json) # JSON
user.update_from_yaml(as_yaml) # YAML
user.update_from_dict(as_dict) # dict

Creating a New Model Instance

# For a SQLAlchemy Model Class named "User" and serialized objects "as_csv"
# (string), "as_json" (string), "as_yaml" (string), and "as_dict" (dict):

user = User.new_from_csv(as_csv)   # CSV
user = User.new_from_json(as_json) # JSON
user = User.new_from_yaml(as_yaml) # YAML
user = User.new_from_dict(as_dict) # dict

Error Handling

Errors During Serialization

from sqlathanor.errors import SerializableAttributeError, \
  UnsupportedSerializationError, MaximumNestingExceededError

# For a SQLAlchemy Model Class named "User" and a model instance named "user".

  as_csv = user.to_csv()
  as_json = user.to_json()
  as_yaml = user.to_yaml()
  as_dict = user.to_dict()
except SerializableAttributeError as error:
  # Handle the situation where "User" model class does not have any attributes
  # serializable to JSON.
except UnsupportedSerializationError as error:
  # Handle the situation where one of the "User" model attributes is of a data
  # type that does not support serialization.
except MaximumNestingExceededError as error:
  # Handle a situation where "user.to_json()" received max_nesting less than
  # current_nesting.
  # This situation is typically an error on the programmer's part, since
  # SQLAthanor by default avoids this kind of situation.
  # Best practice is simply to let this exception bubble up.
  raise error

Errors During De-serialization

from sqlathanor.errors import DeserializableAttributeError, \
  CSVStructureError, DeserializationError, ValueDeserializationError, \
  ExtraKeysError, UnsupportedDeserializationError

# For a SQLAlchemy Model Class named "User" and a model instance named "user",
# with serialized data in "as_csv", "as_json", "as_yaml", and "as_dict" respectively.


  new_user = User.new_from_csv(as_csv)
  new_user = User.new_from_json(as_json)
  new_user = User.new_from_yaml(as_yaml)
  new_user = User.new_from_dict(as_dict)
except DeserializableAttributeError as error:
  # Handle the situation where "User" model class does not have any attributes
  # de-serializable from the given format (CSV, JSON, YAML, or dict).
except DeserializationError as error:
  # Handle the situation where the serialized object ("as_csv", "as_json",
  # "as_yaml", "as_dict") cannot be parsed, for example because it is not
  # valid JSON, YAML, or dict.
except CSVStructureError as error:
  # Handle the situation where the structure of "as_csv" does not match the
  # expectation configured for the "User" model class.
  raise error
except ExtraKeysError as error:
  # Handle the situation where the serialized object ("as_json",
  # "as_yaml", "as_dict") may have unexpected keys/attributes and
  # the error_on_extra_keys argument is False.
  # Applies to: *_from_json(), *_from_yaml(), and *_from_dict() methods
except ValueDeserializationError as error:
  # Handle the situation where an input value in the serialized object
  # raises an exception in the deserialization post-processing function.
except UnsupportedDeserializationError as error:
  # Handle the situation where the de-serialization process attempts to
  # assign a value to an attribute that does not support de-serialization.

Password De-serialization

from sqlathanor import declarative_base, Column, AttributeConfiguration

from sqlalchemy import Integer, String

def my_encryption_function(value):
  """Function that accepts an inbound password ``value`` and returns its
  encrypted value."""


  return encrypted_value

BaseModel = declarative_base()

class User(BaseModel):
  __tablename__ = 'users'

  __serialization__ = [AttributeConfiguration(name = 'id',
                                              supports_csv = True,
                                              csv_sequence = 1,
                                              supports_json = True,
                                              supports_yaml = True,
                                              supports_dict = True,
                                              on_serialize = None,
                                              on_deserialize = None),
                       AttributeConfiguration(name = 'password',
                                              supports_csv = (True, False),
                                              supports_json = (True, False),
                                              supports_yaml = (True, False),
                                              supports_dict = (True, False),
                                              on_serialize = None,
                                              on_deserialize = my_encryption_function)]

  id = Column('id',
              primary_key = True)

  password = Column('password', String(255))
from sqlathanor import declarative_base, Column

from sqlalchemy import Integer, String

def my_encryption_function(value):
  """Function that accepts an inbound password ``value`` and returns its
  encrypted value."""


  return encrypted_value

BaseModel = declarative_base()

class User(BaseModel):
  __tablename__ = 'users'

  id = Column('id',
              primary_key = True,
              supports_csv = True,
              csv_sequence = 1,
              supports_json = True,
              supports_yaml = True,
              supports_dict = True,
              on_serialize = None,
              on_deserialize = None)

  password = Column('password',
                    supports_csv = (True, False),
                    csv_sequence = 2,
                    supports_json = (True, False),
                    supports_yaml = (True, False),
                    supports_dict = (True, False),
                    on_serialize = None,
                    on_deserialize = my_encryption_function)

Using SQLAthanor with Flask-SQLAlchemy

See also

from sqlathanor import FlaskBaseModel, initialize_sqlathanor
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

db = SQLAlchemy(model_class = FlaskBaseModel)
db = initialize_sqlathanor(db)