Using SQLAthanor


What is Serialization?

“Serialization” is a common short-hand for two important concepts: serialization and de-serialization.

To over-simplify, serialization is the process of taking an object in one programming language (say, Python) that can be understood by one program (say, yours) and converting it into a format that can be understood by a different program, often written in a different programming language (say, JavaScript).

De-serialization is the exact same process - but in reverse. It takes data in another format, often from another program, and converts it into an object that your program can understand.

So why is it important? Well, because modern programming is all about communication. Which in this context means communication between different programs, APIs, microservices, etc. And these various programs and microservices may be written in vastly different programming languages, have (often different) approaches to security, etc. Which means they need to be able to talk to each other appropriately.

Which is where serialization and de-serialization come in, since they’re the process that makes that communication possible.

In a very typical example, you can imagine a modern web application. The back-end might be written in Python, maybe using a framework like Flask or Django. The back-end exposes a variety of RESTful APIs that handle the business logic of your web app. But you’ve got an entirely separate front-end, probably written in JavaScript using React/Redux, AngularJS, or something similar.

In most web applications, at some point your back-end will need to retrieve data from a database (which an ORM like SQLAlchemy is great at), and will want to hand it off to your front-end. A typical example might be if you want to list users, or in a social media-style app, list a user’s friends. So once your Python back-end has gotten a list of users, how does it communicate that list to your JavaScript front-end? Most likely by exchanging JSON objects.

Which means that your Python back-end needs to take the list of users it retrieved, convert their data into JSON format, and transmit it to the front-end. That’s serialization.

But now let’s say a user in your front-end changes their email address. The front-end will need to let the back-end know, and your back-end will need to update the relevant database record with the latest change. So how does the front-end communicate that change to the back-end? Again, by sending a JSON object to the back-end. But your back-end needs to parse that data, validate it, and then reflect the change in the underlying database. The process of parsing that data? That’s de-serialization.

Why SQLAthanor?

So if serialziation and de-serialization are so important, how does this relate to SQLAthanor? Well, serialization and de-serialization can be complicated:

  • Different programs may need to serialize and de-serialize into and from multiple formats.
  • Some data (like passwords) should only be de-serialized, but for security reasons should never be serialized.
  • Serialization and de-serialization may need various pre-processing steps to validate the data or coerce it to/from different data types…and that validation/coercion logic may be different depending on the data format.
  • The (fantastic) SQLAlchemy ORM handles database read/write operations amazingly, but does not include any serialization/de-serialization support.

This leads to a labor-intensive process of writing custom serialization/de-serialization logic for multiple (different) models and repeating that process across multiple applications. Better, we think, to package that functionality into a library.

Which is what SQLAthanor is.

It is designed to extend the functionality of the SQLAlchemy ORM with support for serialization and de-serialization into/from:

Which should hopefully save some effort when building applications that need to talk to the outside world (and really, don’t all apps do these days?).

SQLAthanor vs. Alternatives

Since serialization and de-serialization are common problems, there are a variety of alternative ways to serialize and de-serialize your SQLAlchemy models. Obviously, I’m biased in favor of SQLAthanor. But it might be helpful to compare SQLAthanor to some commonly-used alternatives:

Adding your own custom serialization/de-serialization logic to your SQLAlchemy declarative models is a very viable strategy. It’s what I did for years, until I got tired of repeating the same patterns over and over again, and decided to build SQLAthanor instead.

But of course, implementing custom serialization/de-serialization logic takes a bit of effort.


When to use it?

In practice, I find that rolling my own solution is great when it’s a simple model with very limited business logic. It’s a “quick-and-dirty” solution, where I’m trading rapid implementation (yay!) for less flexibility/functionality (boo!).

Considering how easy SQLAthanor is to configure / apply, however, I find that I never really roll my own serialization/de-serialization approach when working SQLAlchemy models any more.

The Marshmallow library and its Marshmallow-SQLAlchemy extension are both fantastic. However, they have one major architectural difference to SQLAthanor and several more minor differences:

The biggest difference is that by design, they force you to maintain two representations of your data model. One is your SQLAlchemy model class, while the other is your Marshmallow schema (which determines how your model is serialized/de-serialized). Marshmallow-SQLAlchemy specifically tries to simplify this by generating a schema based on your model class, but you still need to configure, manage, and maintain both representations - which as your project gets more complex, becomes non-trivial.

SQLAthanor by contrast lets you configure serialization/deserialization in your SQLAlchemy model class definition. You’re only maintaining one data model representation in your Python code, which is a massive time/effort/risk-reduction.

Other notable differences relate to the API/syntax used to support non-JSON formats. I think Marshmallow uses a non-obvious approach, while with SQLAthanor the APIs are clean and simple. Of course, on this point, YMMV.


When to use it?

Marshmallow has one advantage over SQLAthanor: It can serialize/de-serialize any Python object, whether it is a SQLAlchemy model class or not. SQLAthanor only works with SQLAlchemy.

As a result, it may be worth using Marshmallow instead of SQLAthanor if you expect to be serializing / de-serializing a lot of non-SQLAlchemy objects.

The Colander library and the ColanderAlchemy extension are both great, but they have a similar major architectural difference to SQLAthanor as Marshmallow/Marshmallow-SQLAlchemy:

By design, they force you to maintain two representations of your data model. One is your SQLAlchemy model class, while the other is your Colander schema (which determines how your model is serialized/de-serialized). ColanderAlchemy tries to simplify this by generating a schema based on your model class, but you still need to configure, manage, and maintain both representations - which as your project gets more complex, becomes non-trivial.

SQLAthanor by contrast lets you configure serialization/deserialization in your SQLAlchemy model class definition. You’re only maintaining one data model representation in your Python code, which is a massive time/effort/risk-reduction.

A second major difference is that, again by design, Colander is designed to serialize/de-serialize Python objects to a set of Python primitives. Since neither JSON, CSV, or YAML are Python primitives, you’ll still need to serialize/de-serialize Colander’s input/output to/from its final “transmissable” form. Once you’ve got a Python primitive, this isn’t difficult - but it is an extra step.


When to use it?

Colander has one advantage over SQLAthanor: It can serialize/de-serialize any Python object, whether it is a SQLAlchemy model class or not. SQLAthanor only works with SQLAlchemy.

As a result, it may be worth using Colander instead of SQLAthanor if you expect to be serializing / de-serializing a lot of non-SQLAlchemy objects.

pandas is one of my favorite analytical libraries. It has a number of great methods that adopt a simple syntax, like read_csv() or to_csv() which de-serialize / serialize data to various formats (including SQL, JSON, CSV, etc.).

So at first blush, one might think: Why not just use pandas to handle serialization/de-serialization?

Well, pandas isn’t really a serialization alternative to SQLAthanor. More properly, it is an ORM alternative to SQLAlchemy itself.

I could write (and have written) a lot on the subject, but the key difference is that pandas is a “lightweight” ORM that focuses on providing a Pythonic interface to work with the output of single SQL queries. It does not support complex relationships between tables, or support the abstracted definition of business logic that applies to an object representation of a “concept” stored in your database.

SQLAlchemy is specifically designed to do those things.

So you can think of pandas as being a less-abstract, “closer to bare metal” ORM - which is what you want if you want very efficient computations, on relatively “flat” (non-nested/minimally relational) data. Modification or manipulation of the data can be done by mutating your pandas DataFrame without too much maintenance burden because those mutations/modifications probably don’t rely too much on complex abstract business logic.

SQLAthanor piggybacks on SQLAlchemy’s business logic-focused ORM capabilities. It is designed to allow you to configure expected behavior once and then re-use that capability across all instances (records) of your data. And it’s designed to play well with all of the other complex abstractions that SQLAlchemy supports, like relationships, hybrid properties, reflection, or association proxies.

pandas serialization/de-serialization capabilities can only be configured “at use-time” (in the method call), which leads to a higher maintenance burden. SQLAthanor’s serialization/de-serialization capabilities are specifically designed to be configurable when defining your data model.


When to use it?

The decision of whether to use pandas or SQLAlchemy is a complex one, but in my experience a good rule of thumb is to ask yourself whether you’re going to need to apply complex business logic to your data.

The more complex the business logic is, the more likely SQLAlchemy will be a better solution. And if you are using SQLAlchemy, then SQLAthanor provides great and easy-to-use serialization/de-serialization capabilities.

SQLAthanor Features

  • Configure serialization and de-serialization support when defining your SQLAlchemy models.
  • Automatically include serialization methods in your SQLAlchemy model instances.
  • Automatically include de-serialization “creator” methods in your SQLAlchemy models.
  • Automatically include de-serialization “updater” methods to your SQLAlchemy model instances.
  • Support serialization and de-serialization across the most-common data exchange formats: JSON, CSV, YAML, and Python dict.
  • Support pre-processing before serialization/de-serialization for data validation or coercion.
  • Support serialization and de-serialization for complex models that may include: relationships, hybrid properties, association proxies, or standard Python @property.
  • Maintain all of the existing APIs, methods, functions, and functionality of SQLAlchemy Core.
  • Maintain all of the existing APIs, methods, functions, and functionality of SQLAlchemy ORM.
  • Maintain all of the existing APIs, methods, functions, and functionality of SQLAlchemy Declarative ORM.


SQLAthanor is designed to extend the fantastic SQLAlchemy library, to provide it with seamless serialization and de-serialization support. What do we mean by seamless? Well, in an ideal world we want serialization and de-serialization to work like this:

# To create serialized output from a model instance, just use:
as_json = model_instance.to_json()
as_csv = model_instance.to_csv()
as_yaml = model_instance.to_yaml()
as_dict = model_instance.to_dict()

# To create a new model instance from serialized data, just use:
new_as_instance = ModelClass.new_from_json(as_json)
new_as_instance = ModelClass.new_from_csv(as_csv)
new_as_instance = ModelClass.new_from_yaml(as_yaml)
new_as_instance = ModelClass.new_from_dict(as_dict)

# To update an existing model instance from serialized data, just use:

Even knowing nothing about SQLAlchemy or SQLAthanor, it should be pretty easy to figure out what’s happening in that code, right?

Well, that’s exactly what SQLAthanor does for you. So how? Let’s break that down.

How SQLAthanor Works

SQLAthanor is a drop-in replacement for SQLAlchemy.

What does this mean? It means that it’s designed to seamlessly replace some of your SQLAlchemy import statements. Then, you can continue to define your models just as you would using the SQLAlchemy ORM - but now they’ll support serialization and de-serialization.

In other words, the process of using SQLAthanor is very simple:

  1. Install SQLAthanor. (see here)
  2. Import the components used to define your model classes. (see here)
  3. Define your model classes, just as you would in SQLAlchemy. (see here)
  4. Configure which model attributes to be serialized (output) and de-serialized (input). (see here)
  5. Configure any pre/post-processing for serialization and de-serialization, respectively. (see here)
  6. Serialize your model instances as needed. (see here)
  7. Create new model instances using de-serialization. (see here)
  8. Update existing model instances using de-serialization. (see here)

And that’s it! Once you’ve done the steps above, you can easily serialize data from your models and de-serialize data into your models using simple methods.


Because SQLAthanor inherits from and extends SQLAlchemy, your existing SQLAlchemy models will work with no change.

By default, serialization and de-serialization are disabled for any model attribute unless they are explicitly enabled.

1. Installing SQLAthanor

To install SQLAthanor, just execute:

$ pip install sqlathanor


2. Import SQLAthanor

Since SQLAthanor is a drop-in replacement, you should import it using the same elements as you would import from SQLAlchemy:

The code below is a pretty standard set of import statements when working with SQLAlchemy and its Declarative ORM.

They’re provided for reference below, but do not make use of SQLAthanor and do not provide any support for serialization or de-serialization:

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base, as_declarative
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String          # ... and any other data types

# The following are optional, depending on how your data model is designed:
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy

To import SQLAthanor, just replace the relevant SQLAlchemy imports with their SQLAthanor counterparts as below:

from sqlathanor import declarative_base, as_declarative
from sqlathanor import Column
from sqlathanor import relationship             # This import is optional, depending on
                                                # how your data model is designed.

from sqlalchemy import Integer, String          # ... and any other data types

# The following are optional, depending on how your data model is designed:
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy


Because of its many moving parts, SQLAlchemy splits its various pieces into multiple modules and forces you to use many import statements.

The example above maintains this strategy to show how SQLAthanor is a 1:1 drop-in replacement. But obviously, you can import all of the items you need in just one import statement:

from sqlathanor import declarative_base, as_declarative, Column, relationship

SQLAthanor is designed to work with Flask-SQLAlchemy too! However, you need to:

  1. Import the FlaskBaseModel class, and then supply it as the model_class argument when initializing Flask-SQLAlchemy.
  2. Initialize SQLAthanor on your db instance using initialize_sqlathanor.
from sqlathanor import FlaskBaseModel, initialize_sqlathanor
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

db = SQLAlchemy(model_class = FlaskBaseModel)
db = initialize_sqlathanor(db)

And that’s it! Now SQLAthanor serialization functionality will be supported by:

  • Flask-SQLAlchemy’s db.Model
  • Flask-SQLAlchemy’s db.relationship()
  • Flask-SQLAlchemy’s db.Column

See also

For more information about working with Flask-SQLAlchemy, please review their detailed documentation.

As the examples provided above show, importing SQLAthanor is very straightforward, and you can include it in an existing codebase quickly and easily. In fact, your code should work just as before. Only now it will include new functionality to support serialization and de-serialization.

The table below shows how SQLAlchemy classes and functions map to their SQLAthanor replacements:

SQLAlchemy Component SQLAthanor Analog


from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base


from sqlathanor import declarative_base


from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import as_declarative


from sqlathanor import as_declarative


from sqlalchemy import Column


from sqlathanor import Column


from sqlalchemy import relationship


from sqlathanor import relationship

3. Define Your Models

Because SQLAthanor is a drop-in replacement for SQLAlchemy and its Declarative ORM, you can define your models the exact same way you would do so normally.

4. Configure Serialization/De-serialization

explicit is better than implicit

PEP 20 - The Zen of Python

By default (for security reasons) serialization and de-serialization are disabled on all of your model attributes. However, SQLAthanor exists to let you explicitly enable serialization and/or de-serialization for specific model attributes.

Here are some important facts to understand for context:

  1. You can enable serialization separately from de-serialization. This allows you to do things like de-serialize a password field (expect it as an input), but never include it in the output that you serialize.
  2. You can configure serialization/de-serialization differently for different formats. SQLAthanor supports CSV, JSON, YAML, and Python dict.
  3. You can serialize or de-serialize any model attribute that is bound to your model class. This includes:

SQLAthanor supports two different mechanisms to configure serialization/de-serialization: Declarative Configuration and Meta Configuration.

Declarative Configuration

The Declarative Configuration approach is modeled after the SQLAlchemy Declarative ORM itself. It allows you to configure a model attribute’s serialization and de-serialization when defining the model attribute.

Here’s a super-simplified example of how it works:

from sqlathanor import declarative_base, Column, relationship

from sqlalchemy import Integer, String

BaseModel = declarative_base()

class User(BaseModel):
  __tablename__ = 'users'

  id = Column('id',
              primary_key = True,
              supports_csv = True,
              csv_sequence = 1,
              supports_json = True,
              supports_yaml = True,
              supports_dict = True,
              on_serialize = None,
              on_deserialize = None)

This example defines a model class called User which corresponds to a SQL database table named users. The User class defines one model attribute named id (which corresponds to a database Column named id). The database column is an integer, and it operates as the primary key for the database table.

So far, this is all exactly like you would normally see in the SQLAlchemy Declarative ORM.

But, there are some additional arguments supplied to Column: supports_csv, csv_sequence, supports_json, supports_yaml, supports_dict, on_serialize, and on_deserialize. As you can probably guess, these arguments are what configure serialization and de-serialization in SQLAthanor when using declarative configuration.

Here’s what these arguments do:

SQLAthanor Configuration Arguments
  • supports_csv (bool or tuple of form (inbound: bool, outbound: bool)) –

    Determines whether the column can be serialized to or de-serialized from CSV format.

    If True, can be serialized to CSV and de-serialized from CSV. If False, will not be included when serialized to CSV and will be ignored if present in a de-serialized CSV.

    Can also accept a 2-member tuple (inbound / outbound) which determines de-serialization and serialization support respectively.

    Defaults to False, which means the column will not be serialized to CSV or de-serialized from CSV.

  • csv_sequence (int or None) –

    Indicates the numbered position that the column should be in in a valid CSV-version of the object. Defaults to None.


    If not specified, the column will go after any columns that do have a csv_sequence assigned, sorted alphabetically.

    If two columns have the same csv_sequence, they will be sorted alphabetically.

  • supports_json (bool or tuple of form (inbound: bool, outbound: bool)) –

    Determines whether the column can be serialized to or de-serialized from JSON format.

    If True, can be serialized to JSON and de-serialized from JSON. If False, will not be included when serialized to JSON and will be ignored if present in a de-serialized JSON.

    Can also accept a 2-member tuple (inbound / outbound) which determines de-serialization and serialization support respectively.

    Defaults to False, which means the column will not be serialized to JSON or de-serialized from JSON.

  • supports_yaml (bool or tuple of form (inbound: bool, outbound: bool)) –

    Determines whether the column can be serialized to or de-serialized from YAML format.

    If True, can be serialized to YAML and de-serialized from YAML. If False, will not be included when serialized to YAML and will be ignored if present in a de-serialized YAML.

    Can also accept a 2-member tuple (inbound / outbound) which determines de-serialization and serialization support respectively.

    Defaults to False, which means the column will not be serialized to YAML or de-serialized from YAML.

  • supports_dict (bool or tuple of form (inbound: bool, outbound: bool)) –

    Determines whether the column can be serialized to or de-serialized from a Python dict.

    If True, can be serialized to dict and de-serialized from a dict. If False, will not be included when serialized to dict and will be ignored if present in a de-serialized dict.

    Can also accept a 2-member tuple (inbound / outbound) which determines de-serialization and serialization support respectively.

    Defaults to False, which means the column will not be serialized to a dict or de-serialized from a dict.

  • on_deserialize (callable or dict with formats as keys and values as callables) –

    A function that will be called when attempting to assign a de-serialized value to the column. This is intended to either coerce the value being assigned to a form that is acceptable by the column, or raise an exception if it cannot be coerced. If None, the data type’s default on_deserialize function will be called instead.


    If you need to execute different on_deserialize functions for different formats, you can also supply a dict:

    on_deserialize = {
      'csv': csv_on_deserialize_callable,
      'json': json_on_deserialize_callable,
      'yaml': yaml_on_deserialize_callable,
      'dict': dict_on_deserialize_callable

    Defaults to None.

  • on_serialize (callable or dict with formats as keys and values as callables) –

    A function that will be called when attempting to serialize a value from the column. If None, the data type’s default on_serialize function will be called instead.


    If you need to execute different on_serialize functions for different formats, you can also supply a dict:

    on_serialize = {
      'csv': csv_on_serialize_callable,
      'json': json_on_serialize_callable,
      'yaml': yaml_on_serialize_callable,
      'dict': dict_on_serialize_callable

    Defaults to None.

When using Declarative Configuration, the exact same arguments can be applied when defining a relationship using relationship() as shown in the expanded example below. Let’s look at a somewhat more complicated example:

from sqlathanor import declarative_base, Column, relationship

from sqlalchemy import Integer, String

BaseModel = declarative_base()

class User(BaseModel):
  __tablename__ = 'users'

  id = Column('id',
              primary_key = True,
              supports_csv = True,
              csv_sequence = 1,
              supports_json = True,
              supports_yaml = True,
              supports_dict = True,
              on_serialize = None,
              on_deserialize = None)

  addresses = relationship('Address',
                           backref = 'user',
                           supports_json = True,
                           supports_yaml = (True, True),
                           supports_dict = (True, False),
                           on_serialize = None,
                           on_deserialize = None)

This example is (obviously) very similar to the previous one. But now we have added a relationship defined using the SQLAthanor relationship() function. This operates exactly as the built-in sqlalchemy.relationship() function. But it has the same set of declarative SQLAthanor configuration attributes.

So in this example, we define a relationship to a different model class called Address, and assign that relationship to the model attribute User.addresses. Given the configuration above, the User model will:

  • support serializing the id attribute to CSV, JSON, YAML, and dict
  • support de-serializing the id attribute from CSV, JSON, YAML, and dict
  • support serializing related addresses to JSON and YAML, but will not include the addresses attribute when serializing to CSV or dict
  • support de-serializing related addresses from JSON, YAML, and dict, but not from CSV.

Meta Configuration

The Meta Configuration approach is a bit more robust than the Declarative approach. That’s because it supports more model attribute types, including hybrid properties, association proxies, and Python @property instance attributes.

The Meta Configuration approach relies on a special model attribute that you define for your model class: __serialization__. This attribute should contain a list of AttributeConfiguration objects, which are used to indicate the explicit serialization/de-serialization configuration for your model attributes.

Here’s how you would configure an example User model using the Meta Configuration approach:

from sqlathanor import declarative_base, Column, relationship, AttributeConfiguration

from sqlalchemy import Integer, String

BaseModel = declarative_base()

class User(BaseModel):
  __tablename__ = 'users'

  __serialization__ = [AttributeConfiguration(name = 'id',
                                              supports_csv = True,
                                              csv_sequence = 1,
                                              supports_json = True,
                                              supports_yaml = True,
                                              supports_dict = True,
                                              on_serialize = None,
                                              on_deserialize = None),
                       AttributeConfiguration(name = 'addresses',
                                              supports_json = True,
                                              supports_yaml = (True, True),
                                              supports_dict = (True, False),
                                              on_serialize = None,
                                              on_deserialize = None)]

  id = Column('id',
              primary_key = True)

  addresses = relationship('Address',
                           backref = 'user')

The __serialization__ attribute contains an explicit configuration for both the id and addresses column. Each AttributeConfiguration object supports the same configuration arguments as are used by the declarative approach, with one addition: It needs a name argument that explicitly indicates the name of the model attribute that is being configured.


The __serialization__ attribute accepts both AttributeConfiguration instances, as well as dict representations of those instances.

If you supply dict configurations, SQLAthanor will automatically convert them to AttributeConfiguration instances.

The __serialization__ below is identical to the one above:

__serialization__ = [
        'name': 'id',
        'supports_csv': True,
        'csv_sequence': 1,
        'supports_json': True,
        'supports_yaml': True,
        'supports_dict': True,
        'on_serialize': None,
        'on_deserialize': None
        'name': 'addresses',
        'supports_json': True,
        'supports_yaml': (True, True),
        'supports_dict': (True, False),
        'on_serialize': None,
        'on_deserialize': None

Unlike the declarative approach, you can use the __serialization__ attribute to configure serialization and de-serialization for more complex types of model attributes, including hybrid properties, association proxies, and Python @property attributes.

Using the meta configuration approach, you configure these more complex attributes in exactly the same way:

from sqlathanor import declarative_base, Column, relationship, AttributeConfiguration

from sqlalchemy import Integer, String
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy

BaseModel = declarative_base()

class User(BaseModel):
  __tablename__ = 'users'

  __serialization__ = [AttributeConfiguration(name = 'id',
                                              supports_csv = True,
                                              csv_sequence = 1,
                                              supports_json = True,
                                              supports_yaml = True,
                                              supports_dict = True,
                                              on_serialize = None,
                                              on_deserialize = None),
                       AttributeConfiguration(name = 'addresses',
                                              supports_json = True,
                                              supports_yaml = (True, True),
                                              supports_dict = (True, False),
                                              on_serialize = None,
                                              on_deserialize = None),
                       AttributeConfiguration(name = 'hybrid',
                                              supports_csv = True,
                                              csv_sequence = 2,
                                              supports_json = True,
                                              supports_yaml = True,
                                              supports_dict = True,
                                              on_serialize = None,
                                              on_deserialize = None)]
                       AttributeConfiguration(name = 'keywords',
                                              supports_csv = False,
                                              supports_json = True,
                                              supports_yaml = True,
                                              supports_dict = True,
                                              on_serialize = None,
                                              on_deserialize = None)]
                       AttributeConfiguration(name = 'python_property',
                                              supports_csv = (False, True),
                                              csv_sequence = 3,
                                              supports_json = (False, True),
                                              supports_yaml = (False, True),
                                              supports_dict = (False, True),
                                              on_serialize = None,
                                              on_deserialize = None)]

  id = Column('id',
              primary_key = True)

  addresses = relationship('Address',
                           backref = 'user')

  _hybrid = 1

  def hybrid(self):
      return self._hybrid

  def hybrid(self, value):
      self._hybrid = value

  def hybrid(cls):
    return False

  keywords = association_proxy('keywords', 'keyword')

  def python_property(self):
    return self._hybrid * 2

This more complicated pattern extends the earlier example with a hybrid property nammed hybrid, an association proxy named keywords, and an instance attribute (defined using @property) named python_property.

The __serialization__ configuration shown ensures that:
  • hybrid can be serialized to and de-serialized from CSV, JSON, YAML, and dict.
  • keywords can be serialized to and de-serialized from JSON, YAML, and dict, but cannot be serialized to or de-serialized from CSV.
  • python_property can be serialized to all formats, but cannot be de-serialized (which makes sense, since it is defined without a setter)


A configuration found in __serialization__ always takes precedence.

This means that if you mix the declarative and meta approaches, the configuration in __serialization__ will be applied.


For security reasons, if you don’t explicitly configure serialization/de-serialization for a model attribute using the meta or declarative approach, by default that attribute will not be serialized and will be ignored when de-serializing.

Meta Configuration vs Declarative Configuration

How should you choose between the meta configuration and declarative configuration approach?

Well, to some extent it’s a question of personal preference. For example, I always use the meta approach because I believe it is cleaner, easier to maintain, and more extensible. But as you can probably tell if you look at my code, I tend to be a bit pedantic about such things. There are plenty of times when the declarative approach will make sense and “feel” right.

Here’s a handy flowchart to help you figure out which you should use:

Flowchart for Choosing a SQLAthanor Configuration Approach

Why Two Configuration Approaches?

The Zen of Python holds that:

There should be one– and preferably only one –obvious way to do it.

And that is a very wise principle. But there are times when it makes sense to diverge from that principle. I made a conscious choice to support two different configuration mechanisms for several practical reasons:

  1. SQLAlchemy has been around for a long time, and is very popular. There are many existing codebases that might benefit from integrating with SQLAthanor. The meta configuration approach lets users make minimal changes to their existing codebases at minimal risk.
  2. SQLAlchemy is often used in quick-and-dirty projects where the additional overhead of defining an explicit meta configuration in the __serialization__ class attribute will interrupt a programmer’s “flow”. The SQLAlchemy Declarative ORM already provides a great API for defining a model with minimal overhead, so piggybacking on that familiar API will enhance the programmer experience.
  3. The internal mechanics of how SQLAlchemy implements hybrid properties and association proxies are very complicated, and can be mutated at various points in a model class or model instance lifecycle. As a result, supporting them in the declarative configuration approach would have been very complicated, with a lot of exposure to potential edge case errors. But the meta configuration approach neatly avoids those risks.
  4. The only way for the declarative configuration approach to support serialization and de-serialization of model attributes defined using Python’s built-in @property decorator would require extending a feature of the standard library…which I consider an anti-pattern that should be done rarely (if ever).

So given those arguments, you might ask: Why not just use the meta configuration approach, and call it a day? It clearly has major advantages. And yes, you’d be right to ask the question. It does have major advantages, and it is the one I use almost-exclusively in my own code.


I’ve spent close to twenty years in the world of data science and analytics, and I know what the coding practices in that community look like and how SQLAlchemy often gets used “in the wild”. And that experience and knowledge tells me that the declarative approach will just “feel more natural” to a large number of data scientists and developers who have a particular workflow, particular coding style, specific coding conventions, and who often don’t need SQLAlchemy’s more complicated features like hybrid properties or association proxies.

And since SQLAthanor can provide benefits to both “application developers” and “data scientists”, I’ve tried to design an interface that will feel “natural” to both communities.

Using Declarative Reflection with SQLAthanor

SQLAlchemy supports the use of reflection with the SQLAlchemy Declarative ORM.

This is a process where SQLAlchemy automatically constructs a Declarative model class based on what it reads from the table definition stored in your SQL database or a corresponding Table instance already defined and registered with a MetaData object.

SQLAthanor is also compatible with this pattern. In fact, it works just as you might expect. At a minimum:

from sqlathanor import declarative_base, Column, relationship, AttributeConfiguration

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Integer, String, Table
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy

engine = create_engine('... ENGINE CONFIGURATION GOES HERE ...')
# NOTE: Because reflection relies on a specific SQLAlchemy Engine existing, presumably
# you would know how to configure / instantiate your database engine using SQLAlchemy.
# This is just here for the sake of completeness.

BaseModel = declarative_base()

class ReflectedUser(BaseModel):
  __table__ = Table('users',
                    autoload = True,
                    autoload_with = engine)

will read the structure of your users table, and populate your ReflectedUser model class with model attributes that correspond to the table’s columns as defined in the underlying SQL table.


By design, SQLAlchemy’s reflection ONLY reflects Column definitions. It does NOT reflect relationships that you may otherwise model using SQLAlchemy.

Because the ReflectedUser class inherits from the SQLAthanor base model, it establishes the __serialization__ attribute, and the to_csv(), to_json(), to_yaml(), and to_dict() methods on the ReflectedUser class.

When working with a reflected model class, you can configure serialization/deserialization using either the declarative or meta approach as you normally would.


In the example above, if the database table named users already has a Table associated with it, ReflectedUser will inherit the Column definitions from the “original” Table object.

If those column definitions are defined using sqlathanor.schema.Column with declarative, their serialization/deserialization will also be reflected (inherited).

However, the ReflectedUser model class will NOT inherit any serialization/deserialization configuration defined using the meta approach.

Just as with standard SQLAlchemy reflection, you can override your Column definitions in your reflecting class (ReflectedUser), or add additional relationship model attributes, hybrid properties, or association proxies to the reflecting class.


SQLAthanor is not currently compatible with the SQLAlchemy Declarative Automap Extension.

Automap support is planned for SQLAthanor v.0.2.0.

5. Configuring Pre-processing and Post-processing

When serializing and de-serializing objects, it is often necessary to either convert data to a more-compatible format, or to validate inbound data to ensure it meets your expectations.

SQLAthanor supports this using serialization pre-processing and de-serialization post-processing, as configured in the on_serialize and on_deserialize configuration arguments.

Serialization Pre-processing

The on_deserialize configuration argument allows you to assign a serialization function to a particular model attribute.

If assigned, the serialization function will be called before the model attribute’s value gets serialized into its target format. This is particularly useful when you need to convert a value from its native (in Python) type/format into a type/format that is supported by the serialized data type.

A typical example of this might be converting a None value in Python to an empty string '' that can be included in a CSV record, or ensuring a decimal value is appropriately rounded.

The on_serialize argument expects to receive either a callable (a Python function), or a dict where keys correspond to SQLAthanor’s supported formats and values are the callables to use for that format. Thus:

on_serialize = my_serialization_function,

will call the my_serialization_function() whenever serializing the value, but

on_serialize = {
    'csv': my_csv_serialization_function,
    'json': my_json_serialization_function,
    'yaml': my_yaml_serialization_function,
    'dict': my_dict_serialization_function

will call a different function when serializing the value to each of the four formats given above.


If on_serialize is None, or if its value for a particular format is None, then SQLAthanor will default to a Default Serialization Function based on the data type of the model attribute.

If defining your own custom serializer function, please bear in mind that a valid serializer function will:

  • accept one positional argument, which is the value of the model attribute to be serialized, and
  • return one value, which is the value that will be included in the serialized output.

De-serialization Post-processing

The on_deserialize configuration argument allows you to assign a de-serialization function to a particular model attribute.

If assigned, the de-serialization function will be called after your serialized object is parsed, but before the value is assigned to your Python model attribute. This is particularly useful when you need to:

  • convert a value from its serialized format (e.g. a string) into the type supported by your model class (e.g. an integer),
  • validate that a serialized value is “correct” (matches your expectations),
  • do something to the value before persisting it (e.g. hash and salt) to the database.

A typical example of this might be:

  • converting an empty string '' in a CSV record into None
  • validating that the serialized value is a proper telephone number
  • hashing an inbound password.

The on_deserialize argument expects to receive either a callable (a Python function), or a dict where keys correspond to SQLAthanor’s supported formats and values are the callables to use for that format. Thus:

on_deserialize = my_deserialization_function,

will call the my_deserialization_function() whenever de-serializing the value, but

on_deserialize = {
    'csv': my_csv_deserialization_function,
    'json': my_json_deserialization_function,
    'yaml': my_yaml_deserialization_function,
    'dict': my_dict_deserialization_function

will call a different function when de-serializing the value to each of the four formats given above.


If on_deserialize is None, or if its value for a particular format is None, then SQLAthanor will default to a Default De-serialization Function based on the data type of the model attribute being de-serialized.

If defining your own custom deserializer function, please bear in mind that a valid deserializer function will:

  • accept one positional argument, which is the value for the model attribute as found in the serialized input, and
  • return one value, which is the value that will be assigned to the model attribute (and thus probably persisted to the underlying database).

6. Serializing a Model Instance

Once you’ve configured your model class, you can now easily serialize it to the formats you have enabled. Your model instance will have one serialization method for each of the formats, named to_<format> where <format> corresponds to csv, json, yaml, and dict:

Nesting Complex Data

SQLAthanor automatically supports nesting complex structures in JSON, YAML, and dict. However, to prevent the risk of infinite recursion, those formats serialization methods all feature a required max_nesting argument. By default, it is set to 0 which prevents model attributes that resolve to another model class from being included in a serialized output.

Unlike other supported formats, CSV works best with “flat” structures where each output column contains one and only one simple value, and so to_csv() does not include any max_nesting or current_nesting arguments.


As a general rule of thumb, we recommend that you avoid enabling CSV serialization on relationships unless using a custom serialization function to structure nested data.


BaseModel.to_csv(include_header=False, delimiter='|', wrap_all_strings=False, null_text='None', wrapper_character="'", double_wrapper_character_when_nested=False, escape_character='\\', line_terminator='\r\n')[source]

Retrieve a CSV string with the object’s data.

  • include_header (bool) – If True, will include a header row with column labels. If False, will not include a header row. Defaults to True.
  • delimiter (str) – The delimiter used between columns. Defaults to |.
  • wrap_all_strings (bool) – If True, wraps any string data in the wrapper_character. If None, only wraps string data if it contains the delimiter. Defaults to False.
  • null_text (str) – The text value to use in place of empty values. Only applies if wrap_empty_values is True. Defaults to 'None'.
  • wrapper_character (str) – The string used to wrap string values when wrapping is necessary. Defaults to '.
  • double_wrapper_character_when_nested (bool) – If True, will double the wrapper_character when it is found inside a column value. If False, will precede the wrapper_character by the escape_character when it is found inside a column value. Defaults to False.
  • escape_character (str) – The character to use when escaping nested wrapper characters. Defaults to \.
  • line_terminator (str) – The character used to mark the end of a line. Defaults to \r\n.

Data from the object in CSV format ending in a newline (\n).

Return type:



BaseModel.to_json(max_nesting=0, current_nesting=0, serialize_function=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return a JSON representation of the object.

  • max_nesting (int) – The maximum number of levels that the resulting JSON object can be nested. If set to 0, will not nest other serializable objects. Defaults to 0.
  • current_nesting (int) – The current nesting level at which the dict representation will reside. Defaults to 0.
  • serialize_function (callable / None) –

    Optionally override the default JSON serializer. Defaults to None, which applies the default simplejson JSON serializer.


    Use the serialize_function parameter to override the default JSON serializer.

    A valid serialize_function is expected to accept a single dict and return a str, similar to simplejson.dumps().

    If you wish to pass additional arguments to your serialize_function pass them as keyword arguments (in kwargs).

  • kwargs (keyword arguments) – Optional keyword parameters that are passed to the JSON serializer function. By default, these are options which are passed to simplejson.dumps().

A str with the JSON representation of the object.

Return type:




BaseModel.to_yaml(max_nesting=0, current_nesting=0, serialize_function=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return a YAML representation of the object.

  • max_nesting (int) – The maximum number of levels that the resulting object can be nested. If set to 0, will not nest other serializable objects. Defaults to 0.
  • current_nesting (int) – The current nesting level at which the representation will reside. Defaults to 0.
  • serialize_function (callable / None) –

    Optionally override the default YAML serializer. Defaults to None, which calls the default yaml.dump() function from the PyYAML library.


    Use the serialize_function parameter to override the default YAML serializer.

    A valid serialize_function is expected to accept a single dict and return a str, similar to yaml.dump().

    If you wish to pass additional arguments to your serialize_function pass them as keyword arguments (in kwargs).

  • kwargs (keyword arguments) – Optional keyword parameters that are passed to the YAML serializer function. By default, these are options which are passed to yaml.dump().

A str with the JSON representation of the object.

Return type:




BaseModel.to_dict(max_nesting=0, current_nesting=0)[source]

Return a dict representation of the object.

  • max_nesting (int) – The maximum number of levels that the resulting dict object can be nested. If set to 0, will not nest other serializable objects. Defaults to 0.
  • current_nesting (int) – The current nesting level at which the dict representation will reside. Defaults to 0.

A dict representation of the object.

Return type:



7. Deserializing Data

Once you’ve configured your model class, you can now easily de-serialize it from the formats you have enabled.

However, unlike serializing your data, there are actually two types of de-serialization method to choose from:

  • The new_from_<format> method operates on your model class directly and create a new model instance whose properties are set based on the data you are de-serializing.
  • The update_from_<format> methods operate on a model instance, and update that instance’s properties based on the data you are de-serializing.

Creating New:


Creating New Instances


classmethod BaseModel.new_from_csv(csv_data, delimiter='|', wrap_all_strings=False, null_text='None', wrapper_character="'", double_wrapper_character_when_nested=False, escape_character='\\', line_terminator='\r\n')[source]

Create a new model instance from a CSV record.


Unwrapped empty column values are automatically interpreted as null (None).

  • csv_data (str) – The CSV record. Should be a single row and should not include column headers.
  • delimiter (str) – The delimiter used between columns. Defaults to |.
  • wrapper_character (str) – The string used to wrap string values when wrapping is applied. Defaults to '.
  • null_text (str) – The string used to indicate an empty value if empty values are wrapped. Defaults to None.

A model instance created from the record.

Return type:

model instance



classmethod BaseModel.new_from_json(input_data, deserialize_function=None, error_on_extra_keys=True, drop_extra_keys=False, **kwargs)[source]

Create a new model instance from data in JSON.

  • input_data (str) – The input JSON data.
  • deserialize_function (callable / None) –

    Optionally override the default JSON deserializer. Defaults to None, which calls the default simplejson.loads() function from the doc:simplejson <simplejson:index> library.


    Use the deserialize_function parameter to override the default JSON deserializer.

    A valid deserialize_function is expected to accept a single str and return a dict, similar to simplejson.loads().

    If you wish to pass additional arguments to your deserialize_function pass them as keyword arguments (in kwargs).

  • error_on_extra_keys (bool) –

    If True, will raise an error if an unrecognized key is found in input_data. If False, will either drop or include the extra key in the result, as configured in the drop_extra_keys parameter. Defaults to True.


    Be careful setting error_on_extra_keys to False.

    This method’s last step passes the keys/values of the processed input data to your model’s __init__() method.

    If your instance’s __init__() method does not support your extra keys, it will likely raise a TypeError.

  • drop_extra_keys (bool) – If True, will ignore unrecognized top-level keys in input_data. If False, will include unrecognized keys or raise an error based on the configuration of the error_on_extra_keys parameter. Defaults to False.
  • kwargs (keyword arguments) – Optional keyword parameters that are passed to the JSON deserializer function. By default, these are options which are passed to simplejson.loads().
  • ExtraKeyError – if error_on_extra_keys is True and input_data contains top-level keys that are not recognized as attributes for the instance model.
  • DeserializationError – if input_data is not a dict or JSON object serializable to a dict or if input_data is empty.


classmethod BaseModel.new_from_yaml(input_data, deserialize_function=None, error_on_extra_keys=True, drop_extra_keys=False, **kwargs)[source]

Create a new model instance from data in YAML.

  • input_data (str) – The input YAML data.
  • deserialize_function (callable / None) –

    Optionally override the default YAML deserializer. Defaults to None, which calls the default yaml.safe_load() function from the PyYAML library.


    Use the deserialize_function parameter to override the default YAML deserializer.

    A valid deserialize_function is expected to accept a single str and return a dict, similar to yaml.safe_load().

    If you wish to pass additional arguments to your deserialize_function pass them as keyword arguments (in kwargs).

  • error_on_extra_keys (bool) –

    If True, will raise an error if an unrecognized key is found in input_data. If False, will either drop or include the extra key in the result, as configured in the drop_extra_keys parameter. Defaults to True.


    Be careful setting error_on_extra_keys to False.

    This method’s last step passes the keys/values of the processed input data to your model’s __init__() method.

    If your instance’s __init__() method does not support your extra keys, it will likely raise a TypeError.

  • drop_extra_keys (bool) – If True, will ignore unrecognized top-level keys in input_data. If False, will include unrecognized keys or raise an error based on the configuration of the error_on_extra_keys parameter. Defaults to False.
  • ExtraKeyError – if error_on_extra_keys is True and input_data contains top-level keys that are not recognized as attributes for the instance model.
  • DeserializationError – if input_data is not a dict or JSON object serializable to a dict or if input_data is empty.


classmethod BaseModel.new_from_dict(input_data, error_on_extra_keys=True, drop_extra_keys=False)[source]

Update the model instance from data in a dict object.

  • input_data (dict) – The input dict
  • error_on_extra_keys (bool) –

    If True, will raise an error if an unrecognized key is found in input_data. If False, will either drop or include the extra key in the result, as configured in the drop_extra_keys parameter. Defaults to True.


    Be careful setting error_on_extra_keys to False.

    This method’s last step passes the keys/values of the processed input data to your model’s __init__() method.

    If your instance’s __init__() method does not support your extra keys, it will likely raise a TypeError.

  • drop_extra_keys (bool) – If True, will omit unrecognized top-level keys from the resulting dict. If False, will include unrecognized keys or raise an error based on the configuration of the error_on_extra_keys parameter. Defaults to False.
  • ExtraKeyError – if error_on_extra_keys is True and input_data contains top-level keys that are not recognized as attributes for the instance model.
  • DeserializationError – if input_data is not a dict or JSON object serializable to a dict or if input_data is empty.

Updating Instances


BaseModel.update_from_csv(csv_data, delimiter='|', wrap_all_strings=False, null_text='None', wrapper_character="'", double_wrapper_character_when_nested=False, escape_character='\\', line_terminator='\r\n')[source]

Update the model instance from a CSV record.


Unwrapped empty column values are automatically interpreted as null (None).

  • csv_data (str) – The CSV record. Should be a single row and should not include column headers.
  • delimiter (str) – The delimiter used between columns. Defaults to |.
  • wrapper_character (str) – The string used to wrap string values when wrapping is applied. Defaults to '.
  • null_text (str) – The string used to indicate an empty value if empty values are wrapped. Defaults to None.


BaseModel.update_from_json(input_data, deserialize_function=None, error_on_extra_keys=True, drop_extra_keys=False, **kwargs)[source]

Update the model instance from data in a JSON string.

  • input_data (str) – The JSON data to de-serialize.
  • deserialize_function (callable / None) –

    Optionally override the default JSON deserializer. Defaults to None, which calls the default simplejson.loads() function from the simplejson library.


    Use the deserialize_function parameter to override the default JSON deserializer.

    A valid deserialize_function is expected to accept a single str and return a dict, similar to simplejson.loads().

    If you wish to pass additional arguments to your deserialize_function pass them as keyword arguments (in kwargs).

  • error_on_extra_keys (bool) –

    If True, will raise an error if an unrecognized key is found in input_data. If False, will either drop or include the extra key in the result, as configured in the drop_extra_keys parameter. Defaults to True.


    Be careful setting error_on_extra_keys to False.

    This method’s last step attempts to set an attribute on the model instance for every top-level key in the parsed/processed input data.

    If there is an extra key that cannot be set as an attribute on your model instance, it will raise AttributeError.

  • drop_extra_keys (bool) – If True, will ignore unrecognized keys in the input data. If False, will include unrecognized keys or raise an error based on the configuration of the error_on_extra_keys parameter. Defaults to False.
  • kwargs (keyword arguments) – Optional keyword parameters that are passed to the JSON deserializer function.By default, these are options which are passed to simplejson.loads().
  • ExtraKeyError – if error_on_extra_keys is True and input_data contains top-level keys that are not recognized as attributes for the instance model.
  • DeserializationError – if input_data is not a str JSON de-serializable object to a dict or if input_data is empty.


BaseModel.update_from_yaml(input_data, deserialize_function=None, error_on_extra_keys=True, drop_extra_keys=False, **kwargs)[source]

Update the model instance from data in a YAML string.

  • input_data (str) – The YAML data to de-serialize.
  • deserialize_function (callable / None) –

    Optionally override the default YAML deserializer. Defaults to None, which calls the default yaml.safe_load() function from the PyYAML library.


    Use the deserialize_function parameter to override the default YAML deserializer.

    A valid deserialize_function is expected to accept a single str and return a dict, similar to yaml.safe_load().

    If you wish to pass additional arguments to your deserialize_function pass them as keyword arguments (in kwargs).

  • error_on_extra_keys (bool) –

    If True, will raise an error if an unrecognized key is found in input_data. If False, will either drop or include the extra key in the result, as configured in the drop_extra_keys parameter. Defaults to True.


    Be careful setting error_on_extra_keys to False.

    This method’s last step attempts to set an attribute on the model instance for every top-level key in the parsed/processed input data.

    If there is an extra key that cannot be set as an attribute on your model instance, it will raise AttributeError.

  • drop_extra_keys (bool) – If True, will ignore unrecognized keys in the input data. If False, will include unrecognized keys or raise an error based on the configuration of the error_on_extra_keys parameter. Defaults to False.
  • kwargs (keyword arguments) – Optional keyword parameters that are passed to the YAML deserializer function. By default, these are options which are passed to yaml.safe_load().
  • ExtraKeyError – if error_on_extra_keys is True and input_data contains top-level keys that are not recognized as attributes for the instance model.
  • DeserializationError – if input_data is not a str YAML de-serializable object to a dict or if input_data is empty.


BaseModel.update_from_dict(input_data, error_on_extra_keys=True, drop_extra_keys=False)[source]

Update the model instance from data in a dict object.

  • input_data (dict) – The input dict
  • error_on_extra_keys (bool) –

    If True, will raise an error if an unrecognized key is found in input_data. If False, will either drop or include the extra key in the result, as configured in the drop_extra_keys parameter. Defaults to True.


    Be careful setting error_on_extra_keys to False.

    This method’s last step attempts to set an attribute on the model instance for every top-level key in the parsed/processed input data.

    If there is an extra key that cannot be set as an attribute on your model instance, it will raise AttributeError.

  • drop_extra_keys (bool) – If True, will omit unrecognized top-level keys from the resulting dict. If False, will include unrecognized keys or raise an error based on the configuration of the error_on_extra_keys parameter. Defaults to False.
  • ExtraKeyError – if error_on_extra_keys is True and input_data contains top-level keys that are not recognized as attributes for the instance model.
  • DeserializationError – if input_data is not a dict or JSON object serializable to a dict or if input_data is empty.