Source code for sqlathanor.declarative

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# The lack of a module docstring for this module is **INTENTIONAL**.
# The module is imported into the documentation using Sphinx's autodoc
# extension, and its member function documentation is automatically incorporated
# there as needed.

import csv
import inspect as inspect_
import warnings

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base as SA_declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.inspection import inspect
from sqlalchemy.orm.state import InstanceState
from sqlalchemy.orm.relationships import RelationshipProperty
from sqlalchemy.util import symbol, OrderedProperties
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property

import yaml

from validator_collection import checkers, validators
from validator_collection.errors import NotAnIterableError

from sqlathanor._compat import StringIO, json
from sqlathanor.attributes import AttributeConfiguration, validate_serialization_config, \
from sqlathanor.utilities import format_to_tuple, iterable__to_dict, parse_yaml, \
from sqlathanor.errors import ValueSerializationError, ValueDeserializationError, \
    UnsupportedSerializationError, UnsupportedDeserializationError, DeserializationError,\
    CSVStructureError, MaximumNestingExceededError, MaximumNestingExceededWarning, \
    SerializableAttributeError, InvalidFormatError, DeserializableAttributeError, \
    ExtraKeyError, YAMLParseError, JSONParseError
from sqlathanor.default_serializers import get_default_serializer
from sqlathanor.default_deserializers import get_default_deserializer

# pylint: disable=no-member

[docs]class BaseModel(object): """Base class that establishes shared methods, attributes, and properties. When constructing your ORM models, inherit from (or mixin) this class to add support for :term:`serialization` and :term:`de-serialization`. .. note:: It is this class which adds **SQLAthanor**'s methods and properties to your SQLAlchemy model. If your SQLAlchemy models do not inherit from this class, then they will not actually support :term:`serialization` or :term:`de-serialization`. You can construct your declarative models using three approaches: .. tabs:: .. tab:: Using BaseModel Directly By inheriting or mixing in :class:`BaseModel` directly as shown in the examples below. .. code-block:: python from sqlathanor import BaseModel # EXAMPLE 1: As a direct parent class for your model. class MyModel(BaseModel): # Standard SQLAlchemy declarative model definition goes here. # EXAMPLE 2: As a mixin parent for your model. class MyBaseModel(object): # An existing base model that you have developed. class MyModel(MyBaseModel, BaseModel): # Standard SQLAlchemy declarative model definition goes here. .. tab:: Using ``declarative_base()`` By calling the :func:`declarative_base` function from **SQLAthanor**: .. code-block:: python from sqlathanor import declarative_base MyBaseModel = declarative_base() .. tab:: Using ``@as_declarative`` By decorating your base model class with the :func:`@as_declarative <as_declarative>` decorator: .. code-block:: python from sqlathanor import as_declarative @as_declarative class MyBaseModel(object): # Standard SQLAlchemy declarative model definition goes here. """ __serialization__ = [] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.__serialization__: self.__serialization__ = validate_serialization_config(self.__serialization__) else: self.__serialization__ = [] super(BaseModel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _check_is_model_instance(self): return True
[docs] @classmethod def get_primary_key_columns(cls): """Retrieve the model's primary key columns. :returns: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`Column <sqlalchemy:sqlalchemy.schema.Column>` objects corresponding to the table's primary key(s). :rtype: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`Column <sqlalchemy:sqlalchemy.schema.Column>` """ return inspect(cls).primary_key
[docs] @classmethod def get_primary_key_column_names(cls): """Retrieve the column names for the model's primary key columns. :rtype: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`str <python:str>` """ return [str( for x in cls.get_primary_key_columns()]
@property def primary_key_value(self): """The instance's primary key. .. note:: If not :obj:`None <python:None>`, this value can always be passed to :meth:`Query.get() <sqlalchemy:sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.get>`. .. warning:: Returns :obj:`None <python:None>` if the instance is pending, in a transient state, or does not have a primary key. :returns: scalar or :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` value representing the primary key. For a composite primary key, the order of identifiers corresponds to the order with which the model's primary keys were defined. If no primary keys are available, will return :obj:`None <python:None>`. :rtype: scalar / :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` """ if not inspect(self).has_identity or not inspect(self).identity: return None primary_keys = inspect(self).identity if len(primary_keys) == 1: return primary_keys[0] return primary_keys @classmethod def _get_instance_attributes(cls, include_private = False, exclude_methods = True): """Retrieve the names of the model's attributes and methods. :param include_private: If ``True``, includes properties whose names start with an underscore. Defaults to ``False``. :type include_private: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param exclude_methods: If ``True``, excludes attributes that correspond to methods (are callable). Defaults to ``True``. :type exclude_methods: :class:`bool <python:bool>` .. note:: This method will return all attributes, properties, and methods supported by the model - whether they map to database columns or not. :returns: An iterable of attribute names defined for the model. :rtype: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`str <python:str>` """ base_attributes = dir(cls) instance_attributes = [] for key in base_attributes: if key.startswith('__'): continue if key.startswith('_') and not key.startswith('__') and not include_private: continue item = getattr(cls, key) if checkers.is_callable(item) and exclude_methods: continue instance_attributes.append(key) return instance_attributes @classmethod def _get_declarative_serializable_attributes(cls, from_csv = None, to_csv = None, from_json = None, to_json = None, from_yaml = None, to_yaml = None, from_dict = None, to_dict = None, exclude_private = True): """Retrieve a list of :class:`AttributeConfiguration <sqlathanor.attributes.AttributeConfiguration>` objects corresponding to attributes whose values can be serialized from/to CSV, JSON, YAML, etc. .. note:: This method operates *solely* on attribute configurations that have been declared, ignoring any configuration provided in the ``__<format>_support__`` attribute. :param from_csv: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be de-serialized from CSV strings. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be de-serialized from CSV strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on CSV de-serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type from_csv: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param to_csv: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be serialized to CSV strings. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be serialized to CSV strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on CSV serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type to_csv: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param from_json: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be de-serialized from JSON strings. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be de-serialized from JSON strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on JSON de-serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type from_json: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param to_json: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be serialized to JSON strings. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be serialized to JSON strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on JSON serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type to_json: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param from_yaml: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be de-serialized from YAML strings. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be de-serialized from YAML strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on YAML de-serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type from_yaml: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param to_yaml: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be serialized to YAML strings. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be serialized to YAML strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on YAML serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type to_yaml: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param from_dict: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be de-serialized from :class:`dict <python:dict>` objects. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be de-serialized from :class:`dict <python:dict>` objects. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on :class:`dict <python:dict>` de-serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type from_dict: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param to_dict: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be serialized to :class:`dict <python:dict>` objects. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be serialized to :class:`dict <python:dict>` objects. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on :class:`dict <python:dict>` serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type from_dict: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param exclude_private: If ``True``, will exclude private attributes whose names begin with a single underscore. Defaults to ``True``. :type exclude_private: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :returns: List of attribute configurations. :rtype: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`AttributeConfiguration <sqlathanor.attributes.AttributeConfiguration>` """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches include_private = not exclude_private instance_attributes = cls._get_instance_attributes( include_private = include_private, exclude_methods = True ) attributes = [] for key in instance_attributes: value = getattr(cls, key) config = AttributeConfiguration(attribute = value) = key if from_csv is not None and to_csv is None: if config not in attributes and config.supports_csv[0] == bool(from_csv): attributes.append(config) continue if to_csv is not None and from_csv is None: if config not in attributes and config.supports_csv[1] == bool(to_csv): attributes.append(config) continue if from_csv is not None and to_csv is not None: if config not in attributes and config.supports_csv == (bool(from_csv), bool(to_csv)): attributes.append(config) continue if from_json is not None and to_json is None: if config not in attributes and config.supports_json[0] == bool(from_json): # pylint: disable=line-too-long attributes.append(config) continue if to_json is not None and from_json is None: if config not in attributes and config.supports_json[1] == bool(to_json): attributes.append(config) continue if from_json is not None and to_json is not None: if config not in attributes and config.supports_json == (bool(from_json), bool(to_json)): attributes.append(config) continue if from_yaml is not None and to_yaml is None: if config not in attributes and config.supports_yaml[0] == bool(from_yaml): # pylint: disable=line-too-long attributes.append(config) continue if to_yaml is not None and from_yaml is None: if config not in attributes and config.supports_yaml[1] == bool(to_yaml): attributes.append(config) continue if from_yaml is not None and to_yaml is not None: if config not in attributes and config.supports_yaml == (bool(from_yaml), bool(to_yaml)): attributes.append(config) continue if from_dict is not None and to_dict is None: if config not in attributes and config.supports_dict[0] == bool(from_dict): # pylint: disable=line-too-long attributes.append(config) continue if to_dict is not None and from_dict is None: if config not in attributes and config.supports_dict[1] == bool(to_dict): attributes.append(config) continue if from_dict is not None and to_dict is not None: if config not in attributes and config.supports_dict == (bool(from_dict), bool(to_dict)): attributes.append(config) continue return attributes @classmethod def _get_meta_serializable_attributes(cls, from_csv = None, to_csv = None, from_json = None, to_json = None, from_yaml = None, to_yaml = None, from_dict = None, to_dict = None): """Retrieve a list of :class:`AttributeConfiguration <sqlathanor.attributes.AttributeConfiguration>` objects corresponding to attributes whose values can be serialized from/to CSV, JSON, YAML, etc. .. note:: This method operates *solely* on attribute configurations that have been provided in the meta override ``__<format>_support__`` attribute. :param from_csv: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be de-serialized from CSV strings. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be de-serialized from CSV strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on CSV de-serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type from_csv: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param to_csv: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be serialized to CSV strings. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be serialized to CSV strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on CSV serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type to_csv: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param from_json: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be de-serialized from JSON strings. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be de-serialized from JSON strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on JSON de-serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type from_json: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param to_json: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be serialized to JSON strings. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be serialized to JSON strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on JSON serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type to_json: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param from_yaml: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be de-serialized from YAML strings. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be de-serialized from YAML strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on YAML de-serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type from_yaml: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param to_yaml: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be serialized to YAML strings. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be serialized to YAML strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on YAML serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type to_yaml: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param from_dict: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be de-serialized from :class:`dict <python:dict>` objects. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be de-serialized from :class:`dict <python:dict>` objects. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on :class:`dict <python:dict>` de-serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type from_dict: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param to_dict: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be serialized to :class:`dict <python:dict>` objects. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be serialized to :class:`dict <python:dict>` objects. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on :class:`dict <python:dict>` serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type from_dict: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :returns: List of attribute configurations. :rtype: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`AttributeConfiguration <sqlathanor.attributes.AttributeConfiguration>` """ attributes = [] if from_csv is not None and to_csv is None: attributes.extend([x for x in cls.__serialization__ if x.supports_csv[0] == bool(from_csv) and \ x not in attributes ]) if to_csv is not None and from_csv is None: attributes.extend([x for x in cls.__serialization__ if x.supports_csv[1] == bool(to_csv) and \ x not in attributes ]) if from_csv is not None and to_csv is not None: attributes.extend([x for x in cls.__serialization__ if x.supports_csv[0] == bool(from_csv) and \ x.supports_csv[1] == bool(to_csv) and \ x not in attributes ]) if from_json is not None and to_json is None: attributes.extend([x for x in cls.__serialization__ if x.supports_json[0] == bool(from_json) and \ x not in attributes ]) if to_json is not None and from_json is None: attributes.extend([x for x in cls.__serialization__ if x.supports_json[1] == bool(to_json) and \ x not in attributes ]) if from_json is not None and to_json is not None: attributes.extend([x for x in cls.__serialization__ if x.supports_json[0] == bool(from_json) and \ x.supports_json[1] == bool(to_json) and \ x not in attributes ]) if from_yaml is not None and to_yaml is None: attributes.extend([x for x in cls.__serialization__ if x.supports_yaml[0] == bool(from_yaml) and \ x not in attributes ]) if to_yaml is not None and from_yaml is None: attributes.extend([x for x in cls.__serialization__ if x.supports_yaml[1] == bool(to_yaml) and \ x not in attributes ]) if from_yaml is not None and to_yaml is not None: attributes.extend([x for x in cls.__serialization__ if x.supports_yaml[0] == bool(from_yaml) and \ x.supports_yaml[1] == bool(to_yaml) and \ x not in attributes ]) if from_dict is not None and to_dict is None: attributes.extend([x for x in cls.__serialization__ if x.supports_dict[0] == bool(from_dict) and \ x not in attributes ]) if to_dict is not None and from_dict is None: attributes.extend([x for x in cls.__serialization__ if x.supports_dict[1] == bool(to_dict) and \ x not in attributes ]) if from_dict is not None and to_dict is not None: attributes.extend([x for x in cls.__serialization__ if x.supports_dict[0] == bool(from_dict) and \ x.supports_dict[1] == bool(to_dict) and \ x not in attributes ]) return attributes @classmethod def _get_attribute_configurations(cls): """Retrieve a list of :class:`AttributeConfiguration <sqlathanor.attributes.AttributeConfiguration>` applied to the class.""" attributes = [x for x in cls.__serialization__] attributes.extend([x for x in cls._get_declarative_serializable_attributes( from_csv = True, from_json = True, from_yaml = True, from_dict = True ) if x not in attributes]) attributes.extend([x for x in cls._get_declarative_serializable_attributes( to_csv = True, to_json = True, to_yaml = True, to_dict = True ) if x not in attributes]) return attributes
[docs] @classmethod def get_serialization_config(cls, from_csv = None, to_csv = None, from_json = None, to_json = None, from_yaml = None, to_yaml = None, from_dict = None, to_dict = None, exclude_private = True): """Retrieve a list of :class:`AttributeConfiguration <sqlathanor.attributes.AttributeConfiguration>` objects corresponding to attributes whose values can be serialized from/to CSV, JSON, YAML, etc. :param from_csv: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be de-serialized from CSV strings. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be de-serialized from CSV strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on CSV de-serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type from_csv: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param to_csv: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be serialized to CSV strings. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be serialized to CSV strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on CSV serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type to_csv: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param from_json: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be de-serialized from JSON strings. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be de-serialized from JSON strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on JSON de-serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type from_json: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param to_json: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be serialized to JSON strings. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be serialized to JSON strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on JSON serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type to_json: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param from_yaml: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be de-serialized from YAML strings. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be de-serialized from YAML strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on YAML de-serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type from_yaml: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param to_yaml: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be serialized to YAML strings. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be serialized to YAML strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on YAML serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type to_yaml: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param from_dict: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be de-serialized from :class:`dict <python:dict>` objects. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be de-serialized from :class:`dict <python:dict>` objects. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on :class:`dict <python:dict>` de-serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type from_dict: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param to_dict: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be serialized to :class:`dict <python:dict>` objects. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be serialized to :class:`dict <python:dict>` objects. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on :class:`dict <python:dict>` serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type from_dict: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param exclude_private: If ``True``, will exclude private attributes whose names begin with a single underscore. Defaults to ``True``. :type exclude_private: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :returns: List of attribute configurations. :rtype: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`AttributeConfiguration <sqlathanor.attributes.AttributeConfiguration>` """ declarative_attributes = cls._get_declarative_serializable_attributes( from_csv = from_csv, to_csv = to_csv, from_json = from_json, to_json = to_json, from_yaml = from_yaml, to_yaml = to_yaml, from_dict = from_dict, to_dict = to_dict, exclude_private = exclude_private ) meta_attributes = cls._get_meta_serializable_attributes( from_csv = from_csv, to_csv = to_csv, from_json = from_json, to_json = to_json, from_yaml = from_yaml, to_yaml = to_yaml, from_dict = from_dict, to_dict = to_dict, ) attributes = [x for x in meta_attributes] attributes.extend([x for x in declarative_attributes if x not in attributes and x not in cls.__serialization__]) return attributes
[docs] @classmethod def get_csv_serialization_config(cls, deserialize = True, serialize = True): """Retrieve the CSV serialization configurations that apply for this object. :param deserialize: If ``True``, returns configurations for attributes that **can** be de-serialized from CSV strings. If ``False``, returns configurations for attributes that **cannot** be de-serialized from CSV strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, ignores de-serialization configuration when determining which attribute configurations to return. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type deserialize: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param serialize: If ``True``, returns configurations for attributes that **can** be serialized to CSV strings. If ``False``, returns configurations for attributes that **cannot** be serialized to CSV strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, ignores serialization configuration when determining which attribute configurations to return. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type serialize: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :returns: Set of attribute serialization configurations that match the arguments supplied. :rtype: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`AttributeConfiguration <sqlathanor.attributes.AttributeConfiguration>` """ attributes = [x.copy() for x in cls.get_serialization_config(from_csv = deserialize, to_csv = serialize)] for config in attributes: if config.csv_sequence is None: config.csv_sequence = len(attributes) + 1 return sorted(attributes, key = lambda x: (x.csv_sequence,
[docs] @classmethod def get_json_serialization_config(cls, deserialize = True, serialize = True): """Retrieve the JSON serialization configurations that apply for this object. :param deserialize: If ``True``, returns configurations for attributes that **can** be de-serialized from JSON strings. If ``False``, returns configurations for attributes that **cannot** be de-serialized from JSON strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, ignores de-serialization configuration when determining which attribute configurations to return. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type deserialize: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param serialize: If ``True``, returns configurations for attributes that **can** be serialized to JSON strings. If ``False``, returns configurations for attributes that **cannot** be serialized to JSON strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, ignores serialization configuration when determining which attribute configurations to return. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type serialize: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :returns: Set of attribute serialization configurations that match the arguments supplied. :rtype: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`AttributeConfiguration <sqlathanor.attributes.AttributeConfiguration>` """ return [x for x in cls.get_serialization_config(from_json = deserialize, to_json = serialize)]
[docs] @classmethod def get_yaml_serialization_config(cls, deserialize = True, serialize = True): """Retrieve the YAML serialization configurations that apply for this object. :param deserialize: If ``True``, returns configurations for attributes that **can** be de-serialized from YAML strings. If ``False``, returns configurations for attributes that **cannot** be de-serialized from YAML strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, ignores de-serialization configuration when determining which attribute configurations to return. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type deserialize: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param serialize: If ``True``, returns configurations for attributes that **can** be serialized to YAML strings. If ``False``, returns configurations for attributes that **cannot** be serialized to YAML strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, ignores serialization configuration when determining which attribute configurations to return. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type serialize: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :returns: Set of attribute serialization configurations that match the arguments supplied. :rtype: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`AttributeConfiguration <sqlathanor.attributes.AttributeConfiguration>` """ return [x for x in cls.get_serialization_config(from_yaml = deserialize, to_yaml = serialize)]
[docs] @classmethod def get_dict_serialization_config(cls, deserialize = True, serialize = True): """Retrieve the :class:`dict <python:dict>` serialization configurations that apply for this object. :param deserialize: If ``True``, returns configurations for attributes that **can** be de-serialized from :class:`dict <python:dict>` objects. If ``False``, returns configurations for attributes that **cannot** be de-serialized from :class:`dict <python:dict>` objects. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, ignores de-serialization configuration when determining which attribute configurations to return. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type deserialize: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param serialize: If ``True``, returns configurations for attributes that **can** be serialized to :class:`dict <python:dict>` objects. If ``False``, returns configurations for attributes that **cannot** be serialized to :class:`dict <python:dict>` objects. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, ignores serialization configuration when determining which attribute configurations to return. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type serialize: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :returns: Set of attribute serialization configurations that match the arguments supplied. :rtype: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`AttributeConfiguration <sqlathanor.attributes.AttributeConfiguration>` """ return [x for x in cls.get_serialization_config(from_dict = deserialize, to_dict = serialize)]
[docs] @classmethod def get_attribute_serialization_config(cls, attribute): """Retrieve the :class:`AttributeConfiguration <sqlathanor.attributes.AttributeConfiguration>` for ``attribute``. :param attribute: The attribute/column name whose serialization configuration should be returned. :type attribute: :class:`str <python:str>` :returns: The :class:`AttributeConfiguration <sqlathanor.attributes.AttributeConfiguration>` for ``attribute``. :rtype: :class:`AttributeConfiguration <sqlathanor.attributes.AttributeConfiguration>` """ attributes = cls._get_attribute_configurations() for config in attributes: if == attribute: return config.copy() return None
[docs] @classmethod def set_attribute_serialization_config(cls, attribute, config = None, supports_csv = None, csv_sequence = None, supports_json = None, supports_yaml = None, supports_dict = None, on_deserialize = None, on_serialize = None): """Set the serialization/de-serialization configuration for ``attribute``. .. note:: Supplying keyword arguments like ``supports_csv`` or ``supports_json`` will override any configuration set in ``config``. :param attribute: The name of the :term:`model attribute` whose serialization/de-serialization configuration is to be configured. :type attribute: :class:`str <python:str>` :param config: The :class:`AttributeConfiguration <sqlathanor.attributes.AttributeConfiguration>` to apply. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will set particular values based on their corresponding keyword arguments. :type config: :class:`AttributeConfiguration <sqlathanor.attributes.AttributeConfiguration>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param supports_csv: Determines whether the column can be serialized to or de-serialized from CSV format. If ``True``, can be serialized to CSV and de-serialized from CSV. If ``False``, will not be included when serialized to CSV and will be ignored if present in a de-serialized CSV. Can also accept a 2-member :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` (inbound / outbound) which determines de-serialization and serialization support respectively. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will retain whatever configuration is currently applied. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>` :type supports_csv: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` of form (inbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`, outbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`) / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param supports_json: Determines whether the column can be serialized to or de-serialized from JSON format. If ``True``, can be serialized to JSON and de-serialized from JSON. If ``False``, will not be included when serialized to JSON and will be ignored if present in a de-serialized JSON. Can also accept a 2-member :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` (inbound / outbound) which determines de-serialization and serialization support respectively. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will retain whatever configuration is currently applied. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>` :type supports_json: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` of form (inbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`, outbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`) / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param supports_yaml: Determines whether the column can be serialized to or de-serialized from YAML format. If ``True``, can be serialized to YAML and de-serialized from YAML. If ``False``, will not be included when serialized to YAML and will be ignored if present in a de-serialized YAML. Can also accept a 2-member :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` (inbound / outbound) which determines de-serialization and serialization support respectively. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will retain whatever configuration is currently applied. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>` :type supports_yaml: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` of form (inbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`, outbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`) / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param supports_dict: Determines whether the column can be serialized to or de-serialized to a Python :class:`dict <python:dict>`. If ``True``, can be serialized to :class:`dict <python:dict>` and de-serialized from a :class:`dict <python:dict>`. If ``False``, will not be included when serialized to :class:`dict <python:dict>` and will be ignored if present in a de-serialized :class:`dict <python:dict>`. Can also accept a 2-member :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` (inbound / outbound) which determines de-serialization and serialization support respectively. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will retain whatever configuration is currently applied. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>` :type supports_dict: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` of form (inbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`, outbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`) / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param on_deserialize: A function that will be called when attempting to assign a de-serialized value to the column. This is intended to either coerce the value being assigned to a form that is acceptable by the column, or raise an exception if it cannot be coerced. .. tip:: If you need to execute different ``on_deserialize`` functions for different formats, you can also supply a :class:`dict <python:dict>`: .. code-block:: python on_deserialize = { 'csv': csv_on_deserialize_callable, 'json': json_on_deserialize_callable, 'yaml': yaml_on_deserialize_callable, 'dict': dict_on_deserialize_callable } If ``False``, will clear the current configuration to apply the default. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will retain whatever configuration is currently applied. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>` .. tip:: To clear the ``on_deserialize`` function, you can either supply a value of ``False`` or pass a :class:`dict <python:dict>` with particular formats set to :obj:`None <python:None>`: .. code-block:: python on_deserialize = { 'csv': None, 'json': None, 'yaml': None, 'dict': None } # is equivalent to: on_deserialize = False This will revert the `on_deserialize` function to the attribute's default `on_deserialize` function based on its data type. :type on_deserialize: callable / :class:`dict <python:dict>` with formats as keys and values as callables / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param on_serialize: A function that will be called when attempting to serialize a value from the column. .. tip:: If you need to execute different ``on_serialize`` functions for different formats, you can also supply a :class:`dict <python:dict>`: .. code-block:: python on_serialize = { 'csv': csv_on_serialize_callable, 'json': json_on_serialize_callable, 'yaml': yaml_on_serialize_callable, 'dict': dict_on_serialize_callable } If ``False``, will clear the current configuration to apply the default configuration. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will retain whatever configuration is currently applied. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>` .. tip:: To clear the ``on_serialize`` function, you need to pass ``False`` or a :class:`dict <python:dict>` with particular formats set to :obj:`None <python:None>`: .. code-block:: python on_serialize = { 'csv': None, 'json': None, 'yaml': None, 'dict': None } # is equivalent to on_serialize = False This will revert the `on_serialize` function to the attribute's default `on_serialize` function based on its data type. :type on_serialize: callable / :class:`dict <python:dict>` with formats as keys and values as callables / :obj:`None <python:None>` / ``False`` :param csv_sequence: Indicates the numbered position that the column should be in in a valid CSV-version of the object. .. note:: If not specified, the column will go after any columns that *do* have a ``csv_sequence`` assigned, sorted alphabetically. If two columns have the same ``csv_sequence``, they will be sorted alphabetically. If ``False``, will set the position to :obj:`None` <python:None>` which will position the column *after* any explicitly positioned columns in alphabetical order. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will retain whatever configuration is currently applied. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>` :type csv_sequence: :class:`int <python:int>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` / ``False`` :raises ValueError: if ``attribute`` does not match ```` if ``config`` is not :obj:`None <python:None>` """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches original_config = cls.get_attribute_serialization_config(attribute) if original_config is None: original_config = AttributeConfiguration(name = attribute) if config is None: new_config = AttributeConfiguration(name = attribute) else: new_config = config if attribute != raise ValueError( 'attribute (%s) does not match (%s)' % (attribute, ) if supports_csv is not None: new_config.supports_csv = supports_csv elif new_config.get('supports_csv', None) is None: new_config.supports_csv = original_config['supports_csv'] if supports_json is not None: new_config.supports_json = supports_json elif new_config.get('supports_json', None) is None: new_config.supports_json = original_config['supports_json'] if supports_yaml is not None: new_config.supports_yaml = supports_yaml elif new_config.get('supports_yaml', None) is None: new_config.supports_yaml = original_config['supports_yaml'] if supports_dict is not None: new_config.supports_dict = supports_dict elif new_config.get('supports_dict', None) is None: new_config.supports_dict = original_config['supports_dict'] if csv_sequence is not None: if csv_sequence is False: csv_sequence = None new_config.csv_sequence = csv_sequence elif new_config.get('csv_sequence', None) is None: new_config['csv_sequence'] = original_config['csv_sequence'] if on_deserialize is not None: if on_deserialize is False: on_deserialize = BLANK_ON_SERIALIZE new_config.on_deserialize = on_deserialize elif checkers.are_dicts_equivalent(new_config.on_deserialize, BLANK_ON_SERIALIZE): new_config.on_deserialize = original_config.on_deserialize if on_serialize is not None: if on_serialize is False: on_serialize = BLANK_ON_SERIALIZE new_config.on_serialize = on_serialize elif checkers.are_dicts_equivalent(new_config.on_serialize, BLANK_ON_SERIALIZE): new_config.on_serialize = original_config.on_serialize serialization = [x for x in cls.__serialization__ if != attribute] serialization.append(new_config) cls.__serialization__ = [x for x in serialization]
[docs] @classmethod def does_support_serialization(cls, attribute, from_csv = None, to_csv = None, from_json = None, to_json = None, from_yaml = None, to_yaml = None, from_dict = None, to_dict = None): """Indicate whether ``attribute`` supports serialization/deserializtion. :param attribute: The name of the attribute whose serialization support should be confirmed. :type attribute: :class:`str <python:str>` :param from_csv: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be de-serialized from CSV strings. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be de-serialized from CSV strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on CSV de-serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type from_csv: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param to_csv: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be serialized to CSV strings. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be serialized to CSV strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on CSV serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type to_csv: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param from_json: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be de-serialized from JSON strings. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be de-serialized from JSON strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on JSON de-serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type from_json: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param to_json: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be serialized to JSON strings. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be serialized to JSON strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on JSON serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type to_json: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param from_yaml: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be de-serialized from YAML strings. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be de-serialized from YAML strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on YAML de-serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type from_yaml: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param to_yaml: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be serialized to YAML strings. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be serialized to YAML strings. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on YAML serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type to_yaml: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param from_dict: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be de-serialized from :class:`dict <python:dict>` objects. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be de-serialized from :class:`dict <python:dict>` objects. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on :class:`dict <python:dict>` de-serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type from_dict: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param to_dict: If ``True``, includes attribute names that **can** be serialized to :class:`dict <python:dict>` objects. If ``False``, includes attribute names that **cannot** be serialized to :class:`dict <python:dict>` objects. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will not include attributes based on :class:`dict <python:dict>` serialization support (but may include them based on other parameters). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type from_dict: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :returns: ``True`` if the attribute's serialization support matches, ``False`` if not, and :obj:`None <python:None>` if no serialization support was specified. :rtype: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :raises AttributeError: if ``attribute`` is not present on the object """ # pylint: disable=too-many-boolean-expressions if from_csv is None and to_csv is None and \ from_json is None and to_json is None and \ from_yaml is None and to_yaml is None and \ from_dict is None and to_dict is None: return None config = cls.get_attribute_serialization_config(attribute) if config is None: if inspect_.isclass(cls): class_name = cls.__name__ else: class_name = type(cls).__name__ raise UnsupportedSerializationError( "'%s' has no serializable attribute '%s'" % (class_name, attribute) ) csv_check = False json_check = False yaml_check = False dict_check = False if from_csv is not None and to_csv is not None: csv_check = config.supports_csv == (bool(from_csv), bool(to_csv)) elif from_csv is not None: csv_check = config.supports_csv[0] == bool(from_csv) elif to_csv is not None: csv_check = config.supports_csv[1] == bool(to_csv) else: csv_check = True if from_json is not None and to_json is not None: json_check = config.supports_json == (bool(from_json), bool(to_json)) elif from_json is not None: json_check = config.supports_json[0] == bool(from_json) elif to_json is not None: json_check = config.supports_json[1] == bool(to_json) else: json_check = True if from_yaml is not None and to_yaml is not None: yaml_check = config.supports_yaml == (bool(from_yaml), bool(to_yaml)) elif from_yaml is not None: yaml_check = config.supports_yaml[0] == bool(from_yaml) elif to_yaml is not None: yaml_check = config.supports_yaml[1] == bool(to_yaml) else: yaml_check = True if from_dict is not None and to_dict is not None: dict_check = config.supports_dict == (bool(from_dict), bool(to_dict)) elif from_dict is not None: dict_check = config.supports_dict[0] == bool(from_dict) elif to_dict is not None: dict_check = config.supports_dict[1] == bool(to_dict) else: dict_check = True return csv_check and json_check and yaml_check and dict_check
def _get_serialized_value(self, format, attribute): """Retrieve the value of ``attribute`` after applying the attribute's ``on_serialize`` function for the format indicated by ``format``. :param format: The format to which the value should be serialized. Accepts either: ``csv``, ``json``, ``yaml``, or ``dict``. :type format: :class:`str <python:str>` :param attribute: The name of the attribute that whose serialized value should be returned. :type attribute: :class:`str <python:str>` :returns: The value returned by the attribute's ``on_serialize`` function for the indicated ``format``. :raises InvalidFormatError: if ``format`` is not ``csv``, ``json``, ``yaml``, or ``dict``. :raises ValueSerializationError: if the ``on_serialize`` function raises an exception """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long to_csv, to_json, to_yaml, to_dict = format_to_tuple(format) supports_serialization = self.does_support_serialization(attribute, to_csv = to_csv, to_json = to_json, to_yaml = to_yaml, to_dict = to_dict) if not supports_serialization: raise UnsupportedSerializationError( "%s attribute '%s' does not support serialization to '%s'" % (self.__class__, attribute, format) ) config = self.get_attribute_serialization_config(attribute) on_serialize = config.on_serialize[format] if on_serialize is None: on_serialize = get_default_serializer(getattr(self.__class__, attribute), format = format, value = getattr(self, attribute, None)) if on_serialize is None: if format == 'csv': return getattr(self, attribute, '') else: return getattr(self, attribute, None) try: return_value = on_serialize(getattr(self, attribute, None)) except Exception: raise ValueSerializationError( "attribute '%s' failed serialization to format '%s'" % (attribute, format) ) return return_value @classmethod def _get_deserialized_value(cls, value, format, attribute): """Retrieve the value of ``attribute`` after applying the attribute's ``on_deserialize`` function for the format indicated by ``format``. :param value: The input value that was received when de-serializing. :param format: The format to which the value should be serialized. Accepts either: ``csv``, ``json``, ``yaml``, or ``dict``. :type format: :class:`str <python:str>` :param attribute: The name of the attribute that whose serialized value should be returned. :type attribute: :class:`str <python:str>` :returns: The value returned by the attribute's ``on_serialize`` function for the indicated ``format``. :raises InvalidFormatError: if ``format`` is not ``csv``, ``json``, ``yaml``, or ``dict``. :raises ValueDeserializationError: if the ``on_deserialize`` function raises an exception """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long from_csv, from_json, from_yaml, from_dict = format_to_tuple(format) try: supports_deserialization = cls.does_support_serialization(attribute, from_csv = from_csv, from_json = from_json, from_yaml = from_yaml, from_dict = from_dict) except UnsupportedSerializationError: supports_deserialization = False if inspect_.isclass(cls): class_name = str(cls) class_obj = cls else: class_name = str(type(cls)) class_obj = cls.__class__ if not supports_deserialization: raise UnsupportedDeserializationError( "%s attribute '%s' does not support de-serialization from '%s'" % \ (class_name, attribute, format) ) config = cls.get_attribute_serialization_config(attribute) on_deserialize = config.on_deserialize[format] if on_deserialize is None: on_deserialize = get_default_deserializer(getattr(class_obj, attribute), format = format) if on_deserialize is None: return value try: return_value = on_deserialize(value) except Exception: raise ValueDeserializationError( "attribute '%s' failed de-serialization to format '%s'" % (attribute, format) ) return return_value
[docs] @classmethod def get_csv_column_names(cls, deserialize = True, serialize = True): """Retrieve a list of CSV column names. :param deserialize: If ``True``, returns columns that support :term:`de-serialization`. If ``False``, returns columns that do *not* support deserialization. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, does not take deserialization into account. Defaults to ``True``. :type deserialize: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param serialize: If ``True``, returns columns that support :term:`serialization`. If ``False``, returns columns that do *not* support serialization. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, does not take serialization into account. Defaults to ``True``. :type serialize: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :returns: List of CSV column names, sorted according to their configuration. :rtype: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`str <python:str>` """ config = cls.get_csv_serialization_config(deserialize = deserialize, serialize = serialize) return [ for x in config]
[docs] @classmethod def get_csv_header(cls, deserialize = None, serialize = True, delimiter = '|', wrap_all_strings = False, null_text = 'None', wrapper_character = "'", double_wrapper_character_when_nested = False, escape_character = "\\", line_terminator = '\r\n'): r"""Retrieve a header string for a CSV representation of the model. :param delimiter: The character(s) to utilize between columns. Defaults to a pipe (``|``). :type delimiter: :class:`str <python:str>` :param wrap_all_strings: If ``True``, wraps any string data in the ``wrapper_character``. If ``None``, only wraps string data if it contains the ``delimiter``. Defaults to ``False``. :type wrap_all_strings: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param null_text: The text value to use in place of empty values. Only applies if ``wrap_empty_values`` is ``True``. Defaults to ``'None'``. :type null_text: :class:`str <python:str>` :param wrapper_character: The string used to wrap string values when wrapping is necessary. Defaults to ``'``. :type wrapper_character: :class:`str <python:str>` :param double_wrapper_character_when_nested: If ``True``, will double the ``wrapper_character`` when it is found inside a column value. If ``False``, will precede the ``wrapper_character`` by the ``escape_character`` when it is found inside a column value. Defaults to ``False``. :type double_wrapper_character_when_nested: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param escape_character: The character to use when escaping nested wrapper characters. Defaults to ``\``. :type escape_character: :class:`str <python:str>` :param line_terminator: The character used to mark the end of a line. Defaults to ``\r\n``. :type line_terminator: :class:`str <python:str>` :returns: A string ending in ``line_terminator`` with the model's CSV column names listed, separated by the ``delimiter``. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` """ if not wrapper_character: wrapper_character = '\'' if wrap_all_strings: quoting = csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC else: quoting = csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL column_names = cls.get_csv_column_names(deserialize = deserialize, serialize = serialize) if 'sqlathanor' in csv.list_dialects(): csv.unregister_dialect('sqlathanor') csv.register_dialect('sqlathanor', delimiter = delimiter, doublequote = double_wrapper_character_when_nested, escapechar = escape_character, quotechar = wrapper_character, quoting = quoting, lineterminator = line_terminator) output = StringIO() csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(output, fieldnames = column_names, dialect = 'sqlathanor') csv_writer.writeheader() header_string = output.getvalue() output.close() csv.unregister_dialect('sqlathanor') return header_string
[docs] def get_csv_data(self, delimiter = '|', wrap_all_strings = False, null_text = 'None', wrapper_character = "'", double_wrapper_character_when_nested = False, escape_character = "\\", line_terminator = '\r\n'): r"""Return the CSV representation of the model instance (record). :param delimiter: The delimiter used between columns. Defaults to ``|``. :type delimiter: :class:`str <python:str>` :param wrap_all_strings: If ``True``, wraps any string data in the ``wrapper_character``. If ``None``, only wraps string data if it contains the ``delimiter``. Defaults to ``False``. :type wrap_all_strings: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param null_text: The text value to use in place of empty values. Only applies if ``wrap_empty_values`` is ``True``. Defaults to ``'None'``. :type null_text: :class:`str <python:str>` :param wrapper_character: The string used to wrap string values when wrapping is necessary. Defaults to ``'``. :type wrapper_character: :class:`str <python:str>` :param double_wrapper_character_when_nested: If ``True``, will double the ``wrapper_character`` when it is found inside a column value. If ``False``, will precede the ``wrapper_character`` by the ``escape_character`` when it is found inside a column value. Defaults to ``False``. :type double_wrapper_character_when_nested: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param escape_character: The character to use when escaping nested wrapper characters. Defaults to ``\``. :type escape_character: :class:`str <python:str>` :param line_terminator: The character used to mark the end of a line. Defaults to ``\r\n``. :type line_terminator: :class:`str <python:str>` :returns: Data from the object in CSV format ending in ``line_terminator``. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` """ if not wrapper_character: wrapper_character = '\'' csv_column_names = [x for x in self.get_csv_column_names(deserialize = None, serialize = True) if hasattr(self, x)] if not csv_column_names: raise SerializableAttributeError("no 'csv' serializable attributes found") if wrap_all_strings: quoting = csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC else: quoting = csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL if 'sqlathanor' in csv.list_dialects(): csv.unregister_dialect('sqlathanor') csv.register_dialect('sqlathanor', delimiter = delimiter, doublequote = double_wrapper_character_when_nested, escapechar = escape_character, quotechar = wrapper_character, quoting = quoting, lineterminator = line_terminator) data = [self._get_serialized_value(format = 'csv', attribute = x) for x in csv_column_names] for index, item in enumerate(data): if item == '' or item is None or item == 'None': data[index] = null_text elif not checkers.is_string(item) and not checkers.is_numeric(item): data[index] = str(item) data_dict = {} for index, column_name in enumerate(csv_column_names): data_dict[column_name] = data[index] output = StringIO() csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(output, fieldnames = csv_column_names, dialect = 'sqlathanor') csv_writer.writerow(data_dict) data_row = output.getvalue() output.close() csv.unregister_dialect('sqlathanor') return data_row
[docs] def to_csv(self, include_header = False, delimiter = '|', wrap_all_strings = False, null_text = 'None', wrapper_character = "'", double_wrapper_character_when_nested = False, escape_character = "\\", line_terminator = '\r\n'): r"""Retrieve a CSV string with the object's data. :param include_header: If ``True``, will include a header row with column labels. If ``False``, will not include a header row. Defaults to ``True``. :type include_header: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param delimiter: The delimiter used between columns. Defaults to ``|``. :type delimiter: :class:`str <python:str>` :param wrap_all_strings: If ``True``, wraps any string data in the ``wrapper_character``. If ``None``, only wraps string data if it contains the ``delimiter``. Defaults to ``False``. :type wrap_all_strings: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param null_text: The text value to use in place of empty values. Only applies if ``wrap_empty_values`` is ``True``. Defaults to ``'None'``. :type null_text: :class:`str <python:str>` :param wrapper_character: The string used to wrap string values when wrapping is necessary. Defaults to ``'``. :type wrapper_character: :class:`str <python:str>` :param double_wrapper_character_when_nested: If ``True``, will double the ``wrapper_character`` when it is found inside a column value. If ``False``, will precede the ``wrapper_character`` by the ``escape_character`` when it is found inside a column value. Defaults to ``False``. :type double_wrapper_character_when_nested: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param escape_character: The character to use when escaping nested wrapper characters. Defaults to ``\``. :type escape_character: :class:`str <python:str>` :param line_terminator: The character used to mark the end of a line. Defaults to ``\r\n``. :type line_terminator: :class:`str <python:str>` :returns: Data from the object in CSV format ending in a newline (``\n``). :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` """ if include_header: return self.get_csv_header(delimiter = delimiter) + \ self.get_csv_data(delimiter = delimiter, wrap_all_strings = wrap_all_strings, null_text = null_text, wrapper_character = wrapper_character, double_wrapper_character_when_nested = double_wrapper_character_when_nested, # pylint: disable=line-too-long escape_character = escape_character, line_terminator = line_terminator) return self.get_csv_data(delimiter = delimiter, wrap_all_strings = wrap_all_strings, null_text = null_text, wrapper_character = wrapper_character, double_wrapper_character_when_nested = double_wrapper_character_when_nested, # pylint: disable=line-too-long escape_character = escape_character, line_terminator = line_terminator)
@classmethod def _parse_csv(cls, csv_data, delimiter = '|', wrap_all_strings = False, null_text = 'None', wrapper_character = "'", double_wrapper_character_when_nested = False, escape_character = "\\", line_terminator = '\r\n'): """Generate a :class:`dict <python:dict>` from a CSV record. .. tip:: Unwrapped empty column values are automatically interpreted as null (:obj:`None <python:None>`). :param csv_data: The CSV record. Should be a single row and should **not** include column headers. :type csv_data: :class:`str <python:str>` :param delimiter: The delimiter used between columns. Defaults to ``|``. :type delimiter: :class:`str <python:str>` :param wrapper_character: The string used to wrap string values when wrapping is applied. Defaults to ``'``. :type wrapper_character: :class:`str <python:str>` :param null_text: The string used to indicate an empty value if empty values are wrapped. Defaults to `None`. :type null_text: :class:`str <python:str>` :returns: A :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation of the CSV record. :rtype: :class:`dict <python:dict>` :raises DeserializationError: if ``csv_data`` is not a valid :class:`str <python:str>` :raises CSVStructureError: if the columns in ``csv_data`` do not match the expected columns returned by :func:`get_csv_column_names() <BaseModel.get_csv_column_names>` :raises ValueDeserializationError: if a value extracted from the CSV failed when executing its :term:`de-serialization function`. """ try: csv_data = validators.string(csv_data, allow_empty = False) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise DeserializationError("csv_data expects a 'str', received '%s'" \ % type(csv_data)) if not wrapper_character: wrapper_character = '\'' if wrap_all_strings: quoting = csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC else: quoting = csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL if 'sqlathanor' in csv.list_dialects(): csv.unregister_dialect('sqlathanor') csv.register_dialect('sqlathanor', delimiter = delimiter, doublequote = double_wrapper_character_when_nested, escapechar = escape_character, quotechar = wrapper_character, quoting = quoting, lineterminator = line_terminator) csv_column_names = [x for x in cls.get_csv_column_names(deserialize = True, serialize = None) if hasattr(cls, x)] csv_reader = csv.DictReader([csv_data], fieldnames = csv_column_names, dialect = 'sqlathanor', restkey = None, restval = None) rows = [x for x in csv_reader] if len(rows) > 1: raise CSVStructureError('expected 1 row of data, received %s' % len(csv_reader)) elif len(rows) == 0: data = {} for column_name in csv_column_names: data[column_name] = None else: data = rows[0] if data.get(None, None) is not None: raise CSVStructureError('expected %s fields, found %s' % (len(csv_column_names), len(data.keys()))) for key in data: if data[key] == null_text: data[key] = None continue deserialized_value = cls._get_deserialized_value(data[key], 'csv', key) data[key] = deserialized_value csv.unregister_dialect('sqlathanor') return data
[docs] def update_from_csv(self, csv_data, delimiter = '|', wrap_all_strings = False, null_text = 'None', wrapper_character = "'", double_wrapper_character_when_nested = False, escape_character = "\\", line_terminator = '\r\n'): """Update the model instance from a CSV record. .. tip:: Unwrapped empty column values are automatically interpreted as null (:obj:`None <python:None>`). :param csv_data: The CSV record. Should be a single row and should **not** include column headers. :type csv_data: :class:`str <python:str>` :param delimiter: The delimiter used between columns. Defaults to ``|``. :type delimiter: :class:`str <python:str>` :param wrapper_character: The string used to wrap string values when wrapping is applied. Defaults to ``'``. :type wrapper_character: :class:`str <python:str>` :param null_text: The string used to indicate an empty value if empty values are wrapped. Defaults to `None`. :type null_text: :class:`str <python:str>` :raises DeserializationError: if ``csv_data`` is not a valid :class:`str <python:str>` :raises CSVStructureError: if the columns in ``csv_data`` do not match the expected columns returned by :func:`get_csv_column_names() <BaseModel.get_csv_column_names>` :raises ValueDeserializationError: if a value extracted from the CSV failed when executing its :term:`de-serialization function`. """ data = self._parse_csv(csv_data, delimiter = delimiter, wrap_all_strings = wrap_all_strings, null_text = null_text, wrapper_character = wrapper_character, double_wrapper_character_when_nested = double_wrapper_character_when_nested, escape_character = escape_character, line_terminator = line_terminator) for key in data: setattr(self, key, data[key])
[docs] @classmethod def new_from_csv(cls, csv_data, delimiter = '|', wrap_all_strings = False, null_text = 'None', wrapper_character = "'", double_wrapper_character_when_nested = False, escape_character = "\\", line_terminator = '\r\n'): """Create a new model instance from a CSV record. .. tip:: Unwrapped empty column values are automatically interpreted as null (:obj:`None <python:None>`). :param csv_data: The CSV record. Should be a single row and should **not** include column headers. :type csv_data: :class:`str <python:str>` :param delimiter: The delimiter used between columns. Defaults to ``|``. :type delimiter: :class:`str <python:str>` :param wrapper_character: The string used to wrap string values when wrapping is applied. Defaults to ``'``. :type wrapper_character: :class:`str <python:str>` :param null_text: The string used to indicate an empty value if empty values are wrapped. Defaults to `None`. :type null_text: :class:`str <python:str>` :returns: A :term:`model instance` created from the record. :rtype: model instance :raises DeserializationError: if ``csv_data`` is not a valid :class:`str <python:str>` :raises CSVStructureError: if the columns in ``csv_data`` do not match the expected columns returned by :func:`get_csv_column_names() <BaseModel.get_csv_column_names>` :raises ValueDeserializationError: if a value extracted from the CSV failed when executing its :term:`de-serialization function`. """ data = cls._parse_csv(csv_data, delimiter = delimiter, wrap_all_strings = wrap_all_strings, null_text = null_text, wrapper_character = wrapper_character, double_wrapper_character_when_nested = double_wrapper_character_when_nested, escape_character = escape_character, line_terminator = line_terminator) return cls(**data)
def _to_dict(self, format, max_nesting = 0, current_nesting = 0): """Return a :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation of the object. .. warning:: This method is an **intermediate** step that is used to produce the contents for certain public JSON, YAML, and :class:`dict <python:dict>` serialization methods. It should not be called directly. :param format: The format to which the :class:`dict <python:dict>` will ultimately be serialized. Accepts: ``'csv'``, ``'json'``, ``'yaml'``, and ``'dict'``. :type format: :class:`str <python:str>` :param max_nesting: The maximum number of levels that the resulting :class:`dict <python:dict>` object can be nested. If set to ``0``, will not nest other serializable objects. Defaults to ``0``. :type max_nesting: :class:`int <python:int>` :param current_nesting: The current nesting level at which the :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation will reside. Defaults to ``0``. :type current_nesting: :class:`int <python:int>` :returns: A :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation of the object. :rtype: :class:`dict <python:dict>` :raises InvalidFormatError: if ``format`` is not recognized :raises SerializableAttributeError: if attributes is empty :raises MaximumNestingExceededError: if ``current_nesting`` is greater than ``max_nesting`` :raises MaximumNestingExceededWarning: if an attribute requires nesting beyond ``max_nesting`` """ next_nesting = current_nesting + 1 if format not in ['csv', 'json', 'yaml', 'dict']: raise InvalidFormatError("format '%s' not supported" % format) if current_nesting > max_nesting: raise MaximumNestingExceededError( 'current nesting level (%s) exceeds maximum %s' % (current_nesting, max_nesting) ) dict_object = {} if format == 'csv': attribute_getter = self.get_csv_serialization_config elif format == 'json': attribute_getter = self.get_json_serialization_config elif format == 'yaml': attribute_getter = self.get_yaml_serialization_config elif format == 'dict': attribute_getter = self.get_dict_serialization_config attributes = [x for x in attribute_getter(deserialize = None, serialize = True) if hasattr(self,] if not attributes: raise SerializableAttributeError( "'%s' has no '%s' serializable attributes" % (type(self.__class__), format) ) for attribute in attributes: item = getattr(self,, None) try: try: value = item._to_dict(format, # pylint: disable=protected-access max_nesting = max_nesting, current_nesting = next_nesting) except MaximumNestingExceededError: warnings.warn( "skipping key '%s' because maximum nesting has been exceeded" \ %, MaximumNestingExceededWarning ) continue except AttributeError: try: value = iterable__to_dict(item, format, max_nesting = max_nesting, current_nesting = next_nesting) except MaximumNestingExceededError: warnings.warn( "skipping key '%s' because maximum nesting has been exceeded" \ %, MaximumNestingExceededWarning ) continue except NotAnIterableError: value = self._get_serialized_value(format, dict_object[] = value return dict_object
[docs] def to_json(self, max_nesting = 0, current_nesting = 0, serialize_function = None, **kwargs): """Return a JSON representation of the object. :param max_nesting: The maximum number of levels that the resulting JSON object can be nested. If set to ``0``, will not nest other serializable objects. Defaults to ``0``. :type max_nesting: :class:`int <python:int>` :param current_nesting: The current nesting level at which the :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation will reside. Defaults to ``0``. :type current_nesting: :class:`int <python:int>` :param serialize_function: Optionally override the default JSON serializer. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`, which applies the default :doc:`simplejson <simplejson:index>` JSON serializer. .. note:: Use the ``serialize_function`` parameter to override the default JSON serializer. A valid ``serialize_function`` is expected to accept a single :class:`dict <python:dict>` and return a :class:`str <python:str>`, similar to :func:`simplejson.dumps() <simplejson:simplejson.dumps>`. If you wish to pass additional arguments to your ``serialize_function`` pass them as keyword arguments (in ``kwargs``). :type serialize_function: callable / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param kwargs: Optional keyword parameters that are passed to the JSON serializer function. By default, these are options which are passed to :func:`simplejson.dumps() <simplejson:simplejson.dumps>`. :type kwargs: keyword arguments :returns: A :class:`str <python:str>` with the JSON representation of the object. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` :raises SerializableAttributeError: if attributes is empty :raises MaximumNestingExceededError: if ``current_nesting`` is greater than ``max_nesting`` :raises MaximumNestingExceededWarning: if an attribute requires nesting beyond ``max_nesting`` """ if serialize_function is None: serialize_function = json.dumps else: if checkers.is_callable(serialize_function) is False: raise ValueError( 'serialize_function (%s) is not callable' % serialize_function ) as_dict = self._to_dict('json', max_nesting = max_nesting, current_nesting = current_nesting) as_json = serialize_function(as_dict, **kwargs) return as_json
[docs] def to_yaml(self, max_nesting = 0, current_nesting = 0, serialize_function = None, **kwargs): """Return a YAML representation of the object. :param max_nesting: The maximum number of levels that the resulting object can be nested. If set to ``0``, will not nest other serializable objects. Defaults to ``0``. :type max_nesting: :class:`int <python:int>` :param current_nesting: The current nesting level at which the representation will reside. Defaults to ``0``. :type current_nesting: :class:`int <python:int>` :param serialize_function: Optionally override the default YAML serializer. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`, which calls the default ``yaml.dump()`` function from the `PyYAML <>`_ library. .. note:: Use the ``serialize_function`` parameter to override the default YAML serializer. A valid ``serialize_function`` is expected to accept a single :class:`dict <python:dict>` and return a :class:`str <python:str>`, similar to ``yaml.dump()``. If you wish to pass additional arguments to your ``serialize_function`` pass them as keyword arguments (in ``kwargs``). :type serialize_function: callable / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param kwargs: Optional keyword parameters that are passed to the YAML serializer function. By default, these are options which are passed to ``yaml.dump()``. :type kwargs: keyword arguments :returns: A :class:`str <python:str>` with the JSON representation of the object. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` :raises SerializableAttributeError: if attributes is empty :raises MaximumNestingExceededError: if ``current_nesting`` is greater than ``max_nesting`` :raises MaximumNestingExceededWarning: if an attribute requires nesting beyond ``max_nesting`` """ if serialize_function is None: serialize_function = yaml.dump else: if checkers.is_callable(serialize_function) is False: raise ValueError( 'serialize_function (%s) is not callable' % serialize_function ) as_dict = self._to_dict('yaml', max_nesting = max_nesting, current_nesting = current_nesting) as_yaml = serialize_function(as_dict, **kwargs) return as_yaml
[docs] def to_dict(self, max_nesting = 0, current_nesting = 0): """Return a :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation of the object. :param max_nesting: The maximum number of levels that the resulting :class:`dict <python:dict>` object can be nested. If set to ``0``, will not nest other serializable objects. Defaults to ``0``. :type max_nesting: :class:`int <python:int>` :param current_nesting: The current nesting level at which the :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation will reside. Defaults to ``0``. :type current_nesting: :class:`int <python:int>` :returns: A :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation of the object. :rtype: :class:`dict <python:dict>` :raises SerializableAttributeError: if attributes is empty :raises MaximumNestingExceededError: if ``current_nesting`` is greater than ``max_nesting`` :raises MaximumNestingExceededWarning: if an attribute requires nesting beyond ``max_nesting`` """ return self._to_dict('dict', max_nesting = max_nesting, current_nesting = current_nesting)
@classmethod def _parse_dict(cls, input_data, format, error_on_extra_keys = True, drop_extra_keys = False): """Generate a processed :class:`dict <python:dict>` object from in-bound :class:`dict <python:dict>` data. :param input_data: An inbound :class:`dict <python:dict>` object which can be processed for de-serialization. :type input_data: :class:`dict <python:dict>` :param format: The format from which ``input_data`` was received. Accepts: ``'csv'``, ``'json'``, ``'yaml'``, and ``'dict'``. :type format: :class:`str <python:str>` :param error_on_extra_keys: If ``True``, will raise an error if an unrecognized key is found in ``dict_data``. If ``False``, will either drop or include the extra key in the result, as configured in the ``drop_extra_keys`` parameter. Defaults to ``True``. :type error_on_extra_keys: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param drop_extra_keys: If ``True``, will omit unrecognized top-level keys from the resulting :class:`dict <python:dict>`. If ``False``, will include unrecognized keys or raise an error based on the configuration of the ``error_on_extra_keys`` parameter. Defaults to ``False``. :type drop_extra_keys: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :returns: A processed :class:`dict <python:dict>` object that has had :term:`deserializer functions` applied to it. :rtype: :class:`dict <python:dict>` :raises ExtraKeyError: if ``error_on_extra_keys`` is ``True`` and ``input_data`` contains top-level keys that are not recognized as attributes for the instance model. :raises DeserializationError: if ``input_data`` is not a :class:`dict <python:dict>` or JSON object serializable to a :class:`dict <python:dict>` or if ``input_data`` is empty. :raises InvalidFormatError: if ``format`` is not a supported value """ if format not in ['csv', 'json', 'yaml', 'dict']: raise InvalidFormatError("format '%s' not supported" % format) try: input_data = validators.dict(input_data, allow_empty = True, json_serializer = json) except ValueError: raise DeserializationError('input_data is not a dict') if not input_data or len(input_data.keys()) == 0: raise DeserializationError("input_data is empty") dict_object = {} if format == 'csv': attribute_getter = cls.get_csv_serialization_config elif format == 'json': attribute_getter = cls.get_json_serialization_config elif format == 'yaml': attribute_getter = cls.get_yaml_serialization_config elif format == 'dict': attribute_getter = cls.get_dict_serialization_config attributes = [x for x in attribute_getter(deserialize = True, serialize = None) if hasattr(cls,] if not attributes: raise DeserializableAttributeError( "'%s' has no '%s' de-serializable attributes" % (type(cls.__name__), format) ) attribute_names = [ for x in attributes] extra_keys = [x for x in input_data.keys() if x not in attribute_names] if extra_keys and error_on_extra_keys: raise ExtraKeyError("input data had extra keys: %s" % extra_keys) for attribute in attributes: key = try: value = input_data.pop(key) except KeyError: continue value = cls._get_deserialized_value(value, format, dict_object[key] = value if input_data and not drop_extra_keys: for key in input_data: dict_object[key] = input_data[key] return dict_object
[docs] def update_from_dict(self, input_data, error_on_extra_keys = True, drop_extra_keys = False): """Update the model instance from data in a :class:`dict <python:dict>` object. :param input_data: The input :class:`dict <python:dict>` :type input_data: :class:`dict <python:dict>` :param error_on_extra_keys: If ``True``, will raise an error if an unrecognized key is found in ``input_data``. If ``False``, will either drop or include the extra key in the result, as configured in the ``drop_extra_keys`` parameter. Defaults to ``True``. .. warning:: Be careful setting ``error_on_extra_keys`` to ``False``. This method's last step attempts to set an attribute on the model instance for every top-level key in the parsed/processed input data. If there is an extra key that cannot be set as an attribute on your model instance, it *will* raise :class:`AttributeError <python:AttributeError>`. :type error_on_extra_keys: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param drop_extra_keys: If ``True``, will omit unrecognized top-level keys from the resulting :class:`dict <python:dict>`. If ``False``, will include unrecognized keys or raise an error based on the configuration of the ``error_on_extra_keys`` parameter. Defaults to ``False``. :type drop_extra_keys: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :raises ExtraKeyError: if ``error_on_extra_keys`` is ``True`` and ``input_data`` contains top-level keys that are not recognized as attributes for the instance model. :raises DeserializationError: if ``input_data`` is not a :class:`dict <python:dict>` or JSON object serializable to a :class:`dict <python:dict>` or if ``input_data`` is empty. """ data = self._parse_dict(input_data, 'dict', error_on_extra_keys = error_on_extra_keys, drop_extra_keys = drop_extra_keys) for key in data: setattr(self, key, data[key])
[docs] @classmethod def new_from_dict(cls, input_data, error_on_extra_keys = True, drop_extra_keys = False): """Update the model instance from data in a :class:`dict <python:dict>` object. :param input_data: The input :class:`dict <python:dict>` :type input_data: :class:`dict <python:dict>` :param error_on_extra_keys: If ``True``, will raise an error if an unrecognized key is found in ``input_data``. If ``False``, will either drop or include the extra key in the result, as configured in the ``drop_extra_keys`` parameter. Defaults to ``True``. .. warning:: Be careful setting ``error_on_extra_keys`` to ``False``. This method's last step passes the keys/values of the processed input data to your model's ``__init__()`` method. If your instance's ``__init__()`` method does not support your extra keys, it will likely raise a :class:`TypeError <python:TypeError>`. :type error_on_extra_keys: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param drop_extra_keys: If ``True``, will omit unrecognized top-level keys from the resulting :class:`dict <python:dict>`. If ``False``, will include unrecognized keys or raise an error based on the configuration of the ``error_on_extra_keys`` parameter. Defaults to ``False``. :type drop_extra_keys: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :raises ExtraKeyError: if ``error_on_extra_keys`` is ``True`` and ``input_data`` contains top-level keys that are not recognized as attributes for the instance model. :raises DeserializationError: if ``input_data`` is not a :class:`dict <python:dict>` or JSON object serializable to a :class:`dict <python:dict>` or if ``input_data`` is empty. """ data = cls._parse_dict(input_data, 'dict', error_on_extra_keys = error_on_extra_keys, drop_extra_keys = drop_extra_keys) return cls(**data)
[docs] def update_from_yaml(self, input_data, deserialize_function = None, error_on_extra_keys = True, drop_extra_keys = False, **kwargs): """Update the model instance from data in a YAML string. :param input_data: The YAML data to de-serialize. :type input_data: :class:`str <python:str>` :param deserialize_function: Optionally override the default YAML deserializer. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`, which calls the default ``yaml.safe_load()`` function from the `PyYAML <>`_ library. .. note:: Use the ``deserialize_function`` parameter to override the default YAML deserializer. A valid ``deserialize_function`` is expected to accept a single :class:`str <python:str>` and return a :class:`dict <python:dict>`, similar to ``yaml.safe_load()``. If you wish to pass additional arguments to your ``deserialize_function`` pass them as keyword arguments (in ``kwargs``). :type deserialize_function: callable / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param error_on_extra_keys: If ``True``, will raise an error if an unrecognized key is found in ``input_data``. If ``False``, will either drop or include the extra key in the result, as configured in the ``drop_extra_keys`` parameter. Defaults to ``True``. .. warning:: Be careful setting ``error_on_extra_keys`` to ``False``. This method's last step attempts to set an attribute on the model instance for every top-level key in the parsed/processed input data. If there is an extra key that cannot be set as an attribute on your model instance, it *will* raise :class:`AttributeError <python:AttributeError>`. :type error_on_extra_keys: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param drop_extra_keys: If ``True``, will ignore unrecognized keys in the input data. If ``False``, will include unrecognized keys or raise an error based on the configuration of the ``error_on_extra_keys`` parameter. Defaults to ``False``. :type drop_extra_keys: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param kwargs: Optional keyword parameters that are passed to the YAML deserializer function. By default, these are options which are passed to ``yaml.safe_load()``. :type kwargs: keyword arguments :raises ExtraKeyError: if ``error_on_extra_keys`` is ``True`` and ``input_data`` contains top-level keys that are not recognized as attributes for the instance model. :raises DeserializationError: if ``input_data`` is not a :class:`str <python:str>` YAML de-serializable object to a :class:`dict <python:dict>` or if ``input_data`` is empty. """ from_yaml = parse_yaml(input_data, deserialize_function = deserialize_function, **kwargs) data = self._parse_dict(from_yaml, 'yaml', error_on_extra_keys = error_on_extra_keys, drop_extra_keys = drop_extra_keys) for key in data: setattr(self, key, data[key])
[docs] @classmethod def new_from_yaml(cls, input_data, deserialize_function = None, error_on_extra_keys = True, drop_extra_keys = False, **kwargs): """Create a new model instance from data in YAML. :param input_data: The input YAML data. :type input_data: :class:`str <python:str>` :param deserialize_function: Optionally override the default YAML deserializer. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`, which calls the default ``yaml.safe_load()`` function from the `PyYAML <>`_ library. .. note:: Use the ``deserialize_function`` parameter to override the default YAML deserializer. A valid ``deserialize_function`` is expected to accept a single :class:`str <python:str>` and return a :class:`dict <python:dict>`, similar to ``yaml.safe_load()``. If you wish to pass additional arguments to your ``deserialize_function`` pass them as keyword arguments (in ``kwargs``). :type deserialize_function: callable / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param error_on_extra_keys: If ``True``, will raise an error if an unrecognized key is found in ``input_data``. If ``False``, will either drop or include the extra key in the result, as configured in the ``drop_extra_keys`` parameter. Defaults to ``True``. .. warning:: Be careful setting ``error_on_extra_keys`` to ``False``. This method's last step passes the keys/values of the processed input data to your model's ``__init__()`` method. If your instance's ``__init__()`` method does not support your extra keys, it will likely raise a :class:`TypeError <python:TypeError>`. :type error_on_extra_keys: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param drop_extra_keys: If ``True``, will ignore unrecognized top-level keys in ``input_data``. If ``False``, will include unrecognized keys or raise an error based on the configuration of the ``error_on_extra_keys`` parameter. Defaults to ``False``. :type drop_extra_keys: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :raises ExtraKeyError: if ``error_on_extra_keys`` is ``True`` and ``input_data`` contains top-level keys that are not recognized as attributes for the instance model. :raises DeserializationError: if ``input_data`` is not a :class:`dict <python:dict>` or JSON object serializable to a :class:`dict <python:dict>` or if ``input_data`` is empty. """ from_yaml = parse_yaml(input_data, deserialize_function = deserialize_function, **kwargs) data = cls._parse_dict(from_yaml, 'yaml', error_on_extra_keys = error_on_extra_keys, drop_extra_keys = drop_extra_keys) return cls(**data)
[docs] def update_from_json(self, input_data, deserialize_function = None, error_on_extra_keys = True, drop_extra_keys = False, **kwargs): """Update the model instance from data in a JSON string. :param input_data: The JSON data to de-serialize. :type input_data: :class:`str <python:str>` :param deserialize_function: Optionally override the default JSON deserializer. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`, which calls the default :func:`simplejson.loads() <simplejson:simplejson.loads>` function from the :doc:`simplejson <simplejson:index>` library. .. note:: Use the ``deserialize_function`` parameter to override the default JSON deserializer. A valid ``deserialize_function`` is expected to accept a single :class:`str <python:str>` and return a :class:`dict <python:dict>`, similar to :func:`simplejson.loads() <simplejson:simplejson.loads>`. If you wish to pass additional arguments to your ``deserialize_function`` pass them as keyword arguments (in ``kwargs``). :type deserialize_function: callable / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param error_on_extra_keys: If ``True``, will raise an error if an unrecognized key is found in ``input_data``. If ``False``, will either drop or include the extra key in the result, as configured in the ``drop_extra_keys`` parameter. Defaults to ``True``. .. warning:: Be careful setting ``error_on_extra_keys`` to ``False``. This method's last step attempts to set an attribute on the model instance for every top-level key in the parsed/processed input data. If there is an extra key that cannot be set as an attribute on your model instance, it *will* raise :class:`AttributeError <python:AttributeError>`. :type error_on_extra_keys: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param drop_extra_keys: If ``True``, will ignore unrecognized keys in the input data. If ``False``, will include unrecognized keys or raise an error based on the configuration of the ``error_on_extra_keys`` parameter. Defaults to ``False``. :type drop_extra_keys: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param kwargs: Optional keyword parameters that are passed to the JSON deserializer function.By default, these are options which are passed to :func:`simplejson.loads() <simplejson:simplejson.loads>`. :type kwargs: keyword arguments :raises ExtraKeyError: if ``error_on_extra_keys`` is ``True`` and ``input_data`` contains top-level keys that are not recognized as attributes for the instance model. :raises DeserializationError: if ``input_data`` is not a :class:`str <python:str>` JSON de-serializable object to a :class:`dict <python:dict>` or if ``input_data`` is empty. """ from_json = parse_json(input_data, deserialize_function = deserialize_function, **kwargs) data = self._parse_dict(from_json, 'json', error_on_extra_keys = error_on_extra_keys, drop_extra_keys = drop_extra_keys) for key in data: setattr(self, key, data[key])
[docs] @classmethod def new_from_json(cls, input_data, deserialize_function = None, error_on_extra_keys = True, drop_extra_keys = False, **kwargs): """Create a new model instance from data in JSON. :param input_data: The input JSON data. :type input_data: :class:`str <python:str>` :param deserialize_function: Optionally override the default JSON deserializer. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`, which calls the default :func:`simplejson.loads() <simplejson:simplejson.loads>` function from the doc:`simplejson <simplejson:index>` library. .. note:: Use the ``deserialize_function`` parameter to override the default JSON deserializer. A valid ``deserialize_function`` is expected to accept a single :class:`str <python:str>` and return a :class:`dict <python:dict>`, similar to :func:`simplejson.loads() <simplejson:simplejson.loads>`. If you wish to pass additional arguments to your ``deserialize_function`` pass them as keyword arguments (in ``kwargs``). :type deserialize_function: callable / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param error_on_extra_keys: If ``True``, will raise an error if an unrecognized key is found in ``input_data``. If ``False``, will either drop or include the extra key in the result, as configured in the ``drop_extra_keys`` parameter. Defaults to ``True``. .. warning:: Be careful setting ``error_on_extra_keys`` to ``False``. This method's last step passes the keys/values of the processed input data to your model's ``__init__()`` method. If your instance's ``__init__()`` method does not support your extra keys, it will likely raise a :class:`TypeError <python:TypeError>`. :type error_on_extra_keys: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param drop_extra_keys: If ``True``, will ignore unrecognized top-level keys in ``input_data``. If ``False``, will include unrecognized keys or raise an error based on the configuration of the ``error_on_extra_keys`` parameter. Defaults to ``False``. :type drop_extra_keys: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param kwargs: Optional keyword parameters that are passed to the JSON deserializer function. By default, these are options which are passed to :func:`simplejson.loads() <simplejson:simplejson.loads>`. :type kwargs: keyword arguments :raises ExtraKeyError: if ``error_on_extra_keys`` is ``True`` and ``input_data`` contains top-level keys that are not recognized as attributes for the instance model. :raises DeserializationError: if ``input_data`` is not a :class:`dict <python:dict>` or JSON object serializable to a :class:`dict <python:dict>` or if ``input_data`` is empty. """ from_json = parse_json(input_data, deserialize_function = deserialize_function, **kwargs) data = cls._parse_dict(from_json, 'json', error_on_extra_keys = error_on_extra_keys, drop_extra_keys = drop_extra_keys) return cls(**data)
[docs]def declarative_base(cls = BaseModel, **kwargs): """Construct a base class for declarative class definitions. The new base class will be given a metaclass that produces appropriate :class:`Table <sqlalchemy:sqlalchemy.schema.Table>` objects and makes the appropriate :func:`mapper <sqlalchemy:sqlalchemy.orm.mapper>` calls based on the information provided declaratively in the class and any subclasses of the class. :param cls: Defaults to :class:`BaseModel` to provide serialization/de-serialization support. If a :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` of classes, will include :class:`BaseModel` in that list of classes to mixin serialization/de-serialization support. If not :obj:`None <python:None>` and not a :class:`tuple <python:tuple>`, will mixin :class:`BaseModel` with the value passed to provide serialization/de-serialization support. :type cls: :obj:`None <python:None>` / :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` of classes / class object :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments supported by the original :func:`sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.declarative_base() <sqlalchemy:sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.declarative_base>` function :type kwargs: keyword arguments :returns: Base class for declarative class definitions with support for serialization and de-serialization. """ if isinstance(cls, tuple): class_list = [x for x in cls] class_list.insert(0, BaseModel) cls = (x for x in class_list) elif checkers.is_iterable(cls): class_list = [BaseModel] class_list.extend(cls) cls = (x for x in class_list) return SA_declarative_base(cls = cls, **kwargs)
[docs]def as_declarative(**kw): """Class decorator for :func:`declarative_base`. Provides a syntactical shortcut to the ``cls`` argument sent to :func:`declarative_base`, allowing the base class to be converted in-place to a "declarative" base: .. code-block:: python from sqlathanor import as_declarative @as_declarative() class Base(object): @declared_attr def __tablename__(cls): return cls.__name__.lower() id = Column(Integer, primary_key = True, supports_csv = True) class MyMappedClass(Base): # ... .. tip:: All keyword arguments passed to :func:`as_declarative` are passed along to :func:`declarative_base`. .. seealso:: * :func:`declarative_base() <declarative_base>` """ def decorate(cls): kw['cls'] = cls kw['name'] = cls.__name__ return declarative_base(**kw) return decorate