Source code for sqlathanor.attributes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# The lack of a module docstring for this module is **INTENTIONAL**.
# The module is imported into the documentation using Sphinx's autodoc
# extension, and its member function documentation is automatically incorporated
# there as needed.

from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import QueryableAttribute as SA_QueryableAttribute
from sqlalchemy import util

from validator_collection import validators, checkers

from sqlathanor._serialization_support import SerializationMixin
from sqlathanor.utilities import bool_to_tuple, callable_to_dict
from sqlathanor import errors

    'csv': None,
    'json': None,
    'yaml': None,
    'dict': None

[docs]class AttributeConfiguration(SerializationMixin): """Serialization/de-serialization configuration of a :term:`model attribute`. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Construct an :class:`AttributeConfiguration` object. :param name: The name of the attribute. Defaults to ``None``. :type name: :class:`str <python:str>` :param supports_csv: Determines whether the column can be serialized to or de-serialized from CSV format. If ``True``, can be serialized to CSV and de-serialized from CSV. If ``False``, will not be included when serialized to CSV and will be ignored if present in a de-serialized CSV. Can also accept a 2-member :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` (inbound / outbound) which determines de-serialization and serialization support respectively. Defaults to ``False``, which means the column will not be serialized to CSV or de-serialized from CSV. :type supports_csv: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` of form (inbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`, outbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`) :param supports_json: Determines whether the column can be serialized to or de-serialized from JSON format. If ``True``, can be serialized to JSON and de-serialized from JSON. If ``False``, will not be included when serialized to JSON and will be ignored if present in a de-serialized JSON. Can also accept a 2-member :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` (inbound / outbound) which determines de-serialization and serialization support respectively. Defaults to ``False``, which means the column will not be serialized to JSON or de-serialized from JSON. :type supports_json: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` of form (inbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`, outbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`) :param supports_yaml: Determines whether the column can be serialized to or de-serialized from YAML format. If ``True``, can be serialized to YAML and de-serialized from YAML. If ``False``, will not be included when serialized to YAML and will be ignored if present in a de-serialized YAML. Can also accept a 2-member :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` (inbound / outbound) which determines de-serialization and serialization support respectively. Defaults to ``False``, which means the column will not be serialized to YAML or de-serialized from YAML. :type supports_yaml: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` of form (inbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`, outbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`) :param supports_dict: Determines whether the column can be serialized to or de-serialized to a Python :class:`dict <python:dict>`. If ``True``, can be serialized to :class:`dict <python:dict>` and de-serialized from a :class:`dict <python:dict>`. If ``False``, will not be included when serialized to :class:`dict <python:dict>` and will be ignored if present in a de-serialized :class:`dict <python:dict>`. Can also accept a 2-member :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` (inbound / outbound) which determines de-serialization and serialization support respectively. Defaults to ``False``, which means the column will not be serialized to a :class:`dict <python:dict>` or de-serialized from a :class:`dict <python:dict>`. :type supports_dict: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` of form (inbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`, outbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`) :param on_deserialize: A function that will be called when attempting to assign a de-serialized value to the column. This is intended to either coerce the value being assigned to a form that is acceptable by the column, or raise an exception if it cannot be coerced. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, the data type's default ``on_deserialize`` function will be called instead. .. tip:: If you need to execute different ``on_deserialize`` functions for different formats, you can also supply a :class:`dict <python:dict>`: .. code-block:: python on_deserialize = { 'csv': csv_on_deserialize_callable, 'json': json_on_deserialize_callable, 'yaml': yaml_on_deserialize_callable, 'dict': dict_on_deserialize_callable } Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type on_deserialize: callable / :class:`dict <python:dict>` with formats as keys and values as callables :param on_serialize: A function that will be called when attempting to serialize a value from the column. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, the data type's default ``on_serialize`` function will be called instead. .. tip:: If you need to execute different ``on_serialize`` functions for different formats, you can also supply a :class:`dict <python:dict>`: .. code-block:: python on_serialize = { 'csv': csv_on_serialize_callable, 'json': json_on_serialize_callable, 'yaml': yaml_on_serialize_callable, 'dict': dict_on_serialize_callable } Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type on_serialize: callable / :class:`dict <python:dict>` with formats as keys and values as callables :param csv_sequence: Indicates the numbered position that the column should be in in a valid CSV-version of the object. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. note:: If not specified, the column will go after any columns that *do* have a ``csv_sequence`` assigned, sorted alphabetically. If two columns have the same ``csv_sequence``, they will be sorted alphabetically. :type csv_sequence: :class:`int <python:int>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param attribute: The object representation of an attribute. Supplying this value overrides any other configuration options supplied. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type attribute: class attribute :param display_name: An optional name to use or expect in place of `name` when serializing or de-serializing the attribute. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, the attribute will default to the same name as in its Python model class and as provided in ``name``. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>` :type display_name: :class:`str <python:str>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :param pydantic_field: An optional Pydantic :class:`ModelField <pydantic:pydantic.fields.ModelField>` which can be used to validate the attribute on serialization. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. note:: If present, values will be validated against the Pydantic field *after* any ``on_deserialize`` function is executed. :type pydantic_field: :class:`pydantic.fields.ModelField <pydantic.fields.ModelField>` / :class:`pydantic.fields.FieldInfo <pydantic:pydantic.fields.FieldInfo>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` """ object.__setattr__(self, '_dict_proxy', {}) self._current = -1 self._pydantic_field = None self._name = None = kwargs.pop('name', None) self.pydantic_field = kwargs.pop('pydantic_field', None) attribute = kwargs.pop('attribute', None) super(AttributeConfiguration, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if attribute is not None: try: = attribute.__name__ except AttributeError: = None try: self.supports_csv = attribute.supports_csv self.csv_sequence = attribute.csv_sequence self.supports_json = attribute.supports_json self.supports_yaml = attribute.supports_yaml self.supports_dict = attribute.supports_dict self.on_serialize = attribute.on_serialize self.on_deserialize = attribute.on_deserialize self.display_name = attribute.display_name except AttributeError: pass self._dict_proxy = dict(**kwargs)
def __repr__(self): repr_string = 'AttributeConfiguration(' repr_string += 'name = %s, ' % str( repr_string += 'supports_csv = %s, ' % str(self.supports_csv) repr_string += 'supports_json = %s, ' % str(self.supports_json) repr_string += 'supports_yaml = %s, ' % str(self.supports_yaml) repr_string += 'supports_dict = %s, ' % str(self.supports_dict) repr_string += 'csv_sequence = %s, ' % str(self.csv_sequence) repr_string += 'on_serialize = %s, ' % str(self.on_serialize) repr_string += 'on_deserialize = %s, ' % str(self.on_deserialize) repr_string += 'display_name = %s)' % str(self.display_name) return repr_string def __str__(self): return 'AttributeConfiguration(name = %s)' % def __bool__(self): return True def __nonzero__(self): return self.__bool__() def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(self, type(other)) and == def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __getitem__(self, key): if key in ['name', 'supports_csv', 'supports_json', 'supports_yaml', 'supports_dict', 'csv_sequence', 'on_serialize', 'on_deserialize', 'display_name']: return getattr(self, key) return self._dict_proxy[key] def __missing__(self, key): raise KeyError(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key in ['name', 'supports_csv', 'supports_json', 'supports_yaml', 'supports_dict', 'csv_sequence', 'on_serialize', 'on_deserialize', 'display_name']: setattr(self, key, value) else: self._dict_proxy[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): if key in ['name', 'csv_sequence', 'on_serialize', 'on_deserialize', 'display_name']: setattr(self, key, None) elif key in ['supports_csv', 'supports_json', 'supports_yaml', 'supports_dict']: setattr(self, key, (False, False)) else: self._dict_proxy.__delitem__(key) def __getattr__(self, name): try: return self._dict_proxy[name] except KeyError as error: try: return self._dict_proxy.get(name) except AttributeError: raise error def __contains__(self, item): if item in ['name', 'supports_csv', 'supports_json', 'supports_yaml', 'supports_dict', 'csv_sequence', 'on_serialize', 'on_deserialize', 'display_name']: return True return item in self._dict_proxy def __len__(self): return 9 + len(self._dict_proxy) def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): if self._current >= (len(self) - 1): self._current = -1 raise StopIteration() self._current += 1 return self.keys()[self._current] def __next__(self): return def clear(self): self._current = 0 = None self.supports_csv = (False, False) self.csv_sequence = None self.supports_json = (False, False) self.supports_yaml = (False, False) self.supports_dict = (False, False) self.on_serialize = BLANK_ON_SERIALIZE self.on_deserialize = BLANK_ON_SERIALIZE self.display_name = None self._dict_proxy = {}
[docs] @classmethod def fromkeys(cls, seq, value = None): """Create a new :class:`AttributeConfiguration` with keys in ``seq`` and values in ``value``. :param seq: Iterable of keys :type seq: iterable :param value: Iterable of values :type value: iterable :rtype: :class:`AttributeConfiguration` """ return cls(zip(seq, value))
def get(self, key, default = None): return self[key] or default def keys(self): return_value = ['name', 'supports_csv', 'supports_json', 'supports_yaml', 'supports_dict', 'csv_sequence', 'on_serialize', 'on_deserialize', 'display_name'] return_value.extend(sorted(self._dict_proxy.keys())) return return_value def pop(self, key, default = None): if key not in self: raise KeyError(key) return_value = self[key] or default if key in ['name', 'csv_sequence', 'display_name']: self[key] = None elif key in ['on_serialize', 'on_deserialize']: self[key] = BLANK_ON_SERIALIZE elif key in ['supports_csv', 'supports_json', 'supports_yaml', 'supports_dict']: self[key] = (False, False) else: return_value = self._dict_proxy.pop(key, default = default) return return_value def values(self): return [self[x] for x in self.keys()] def items(self): return [(x, self[x]) for x in self.keys()] @property def name(self): """The name of the attribute. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): value = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) self._name = value @property def pydantic_field(self): """A Pydantic :class:`ModelField` object that can be used to validate the attribute. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :rtype: :class:`pydantic.fields.ModelField <pydantic:fields.ModelField>` / :class:`pydantic.fields.FieldInfo <pydantic:pydantic.fields.FieldInfo>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._pydantic_field @pydantic_field.setter def pydantic_field(self, value): if not value: value = None elif not checkers.is_type(value, ('ModelField', 'FieldInfo')): raise ValueError('value must be a Pydantic ModelField or FieldInfo object. ' 'Was: %s' % type(value)) self._pydantic_field = value
[docs] @classmethod def from_attribute(cls, attribute): """Return an instance of :class:`AttributeConfiguration` configured for a given attribute. """ return cls(attribute = attribute)
def copy(self): new_instance = self.__class__() = new_instance.supports_csv = self.supports_csv new_instance.csv_sequence = self.csv_sequence new_instance.supports_json = self.supports_json new_instance.supports_yaml = self.supports_yaml new_instance.supports_dict = self.supports_dict new_instance.on_serialize = self.on_serialize new_instance.on_deserialize = self.on_deserialize new_instance.display_name = self.display_name return new_instance
[docs] @classmethod def from_pydantic_model(cls, model, name, **kwargs): """Return a new :class:`AttributeConfiguration` instance produced from a Pydantic model's field definition for ``name``. :param model: The :term:`Pydantic model` whose field should be used. :type model: Pydantic :class:`ModelMetaclass <pydantic:pydantic.main.ModelMetaclass>` :param name: The name of the field to convert to convert to an :class:`AttributeConfiguration` :type name: :class:`str <python:str>` :param supports_csv: Determines whether the column can be serialized to or de-serialized from CSV format. If ``True``, can be serialized to CSV and de-serialized from CSV. If ``False``, will not be included when serialized to CSV and will be ignored if present in a de-serialized CSV. Can also accept a 2-member :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` (inbound / outbound) which determines de-serialization and serialization support respectively. Defaults to ``False``, which means the column will not be serialized to CSV or de-serialized from CSV. :type supports_csv: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` of form (inbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`, outbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`) :param supports_json: Determines whether the column can be serialized to or de-serialized from JSON format. If ``True``, can be serialized to JSON and de-serialized from JSON. If ``False``, will not be included when serialized to JSON and will be ignored if present in a de-serialized JSON. Can also accept a 2-member :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` (inbound / outbound) which determines de-serialization and serialization support respectively. Defaults to ``False``, which means the column will not be serialized to JSON or de-serialized from JSON. :type supports_json: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` of form (inbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`, outbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`) :param supports_yaml: Determines whether the column can be serialized to or de-serialized from YAML format. If ``True``, can be serialized to YAML and de-serialized from YAML. If ``False``, will not be included when serialized to YAML and will be ignored if present in a de-serialized YAML. Can also accept a 2-member :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` (inbound / outbound) which determines de-serialization and serialization support respectively. Defaults to ``False``, which means the column will not be serialized to YAML or de-serialized from YAML. :type supports_yaml: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` of form (inbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`, outbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`) :param supports_dict: Determines whether the column can be serialized to or de-serialized to a Python :class:`dict <python:dict>`. If ``True``, can be serialized to :class:`dict <python:dict>` and de-serialized from a :class:`dict <python:dict>`. If ``False``, will not be included when serialized to :class:`dict <python:dict>` and will be ignored if present in a de-serialized :class:`dict <python:dict>`. Can also accept a 2-member :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` (inbound / outbound) which determines de-serialization and serialization support respectively. Defaults to ``False``, which means the column will not be serialized to a :class:`dict <python:dict>` or de-serialized from a :class:`dict <python:dict>`. :type supports_dict: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` of form (inbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`, outbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`) :param on_deserialize: A function that will be called when attempting to assign a de-serialized value to the column. This is intended to either coerce the value being assigned to a form that is acceptable by the column, or raise an exception if it cannot be coerced. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, the data type's default ``on_deserialize`` function will be called instead. .. tip:: If you need to execute different ``on_deserialize`` functions for different formats, you can also supply a :class:`dict <python:dict>`: .. code-block:: python on_deserialize = { 'csv': csv_on_deserialize_callable, 'json': json_on_deserialize_callable, 'yaml': yaml_on_deserialize_callable, 'dict': dict_on_deserialize_callable } Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type on_deserialize: callable / :class:`dict <python:dict>` with formats as keys and values as callables :param on_serialize: A function that will be called when attempting to serialize a value from the column. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, the data type's default ``on_serialize`` function will be called instead. .. tip:: If you need to execute different ``on_serialize`` functions for different formats, you can also supply a :class:`dict <python:dict>`: .. code-block:: python on_serialize = { 'csv': csv_on_serialize_callable, 'json': json_on_serialize_callable, 'yaml': yaml_on_serialize_callable, 'dict': dict_on_serialize_callable } Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type on_serialize: callable / :class:`dict <python:dict>` with formats as keys and values as callables :param csv_sequence: Indicates the numbered position that the column should be in in a valid CSV-version of the object. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. note:: If not specified, the column will go after any columns that *do* have a ``csv_sequence`` assigned, sorted alphabetically. If two columns have the same ``csv_sequence``, they will be sorted alphabetically. :type csv_sequence: :class:`int <python:int>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :returns: An :class:`AttributeConfiguration` for attribute ``name`` derived from the Pydantic model. :rtype: :class:`AttributeConfiguration` :raises ValueError: if ``model`` is not a Pydantic :class:`ModelMetaclass <pydantic:pydantic.main.ModelMetaclass>` :raises validator_collection.errors.InvalidVariableName: if ``name`` is not a valid variable name :raises FieldNotFoundError: if a field with ``name`` is not found within ``model`` """ if not checkers.is_type(model, ('BaseModel', 'ModelMetaclass')): raise ValueError('model must be a Pydantic Model. Was: %s' % type(model)) name = validators.variable_name(name, allow_empty = False) if name not in model.__fields__: raise errors.FieldNotFoundError( 'name ("%s") not found in the Pydantic model' % name ) field = model.__fields__[name] if not kwargs: kwargs = {} kwargs['name'] = name kwargs['pydantic_field'] = field return_value = cls(**kwargs) return return_value
def convert_pydantic_model(model, **kwargs): """Convert a Pydantic model to a collection of :class:`AttributeConfiguration` objects. :param model: The Pydantic :class:`ModelMetaclass <pydantic:pydantic.main.ModelMetaclass>` to convert. .. caution:: This parameter is expected to be a **class** object, not an **instance** object. In a Pydantic context, it is the class that you define which inherits from Pydantic ``BaseModel``. Thus, if your Pydantic model definition looks like this: .. code-block:: python from pydantic import BaseModel class User(BaseModel): id: int username: str email: str user = User(id = 123, username = 'test_username', email = '') you would pass convert ``User`` and not ``user``: .. code-block:: python attribute_configurations = convert_pydantic_model(User) :type model: :class:`pydantic.main.ModelMetaclass <pydantic:pydantic.main.ModelMetaclass>` :param supports_csv: Determines whether the column can be serialized to or de-serialized from CSV format. If ``True``, can be serialized to CSV and de-serialized from CSV. If ``False``, will not be included when serialized to CSV and will be ignored if present in a de-serialized CSV. Can also accept a 2-member :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` (inbound / outbound) which determines de-serialization and serialization support respectively. Defaults to ``False``, which means the column will not be serialized to CSV or de-serialized from CSV. :type supports_csv: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` of form (inbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`, outbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`) :param supports_json: Determines whether the column can be serialized to or de-serialized from JSON format. If ``True``, can be serialized to JSON and de-serialized from JSON. If ``False``, will not be included when serialized to JSON and will be ignored if present in a de-serialized JSON. Can also accept a 2-member :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` (inbound / outbound) which determines de-serialization and serialization support respectively. Defaults to ``False``, which means the column will not be serialized to JSON or de-serialized from JSON. :type supports_json: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` of form (inbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`, outbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`) :param supports_yaml: Determines whether the column can be serialized to or de-serialized from YAML format. If ``True``, can be serialized to YAML and de-serialized from YAML. If ``False``, will not be included when serialized to YAML and will be ignored if present in a de-serialized YAML. Can also accept a 2-member :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` (inbound / outbound) which determines de-serialization and serialization support respectively. Defaults to ``False``, which means the column will not be serialized to YAML or de-serialized from YAML. :type supports_yaml: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` of form (inbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`, outbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`) :param supports_dict: Determines whether the column can be serialized to or de-serialized to a Python :class:`dict <python:dict>`. If ``True``, can be serialized to :class:`dict <python:dict>` and de-serialized from a :class:`dict <python:dict>`. If ``False``, will not be included when serialized to :class:`dict <python:dict>` and will be ignored if present in a de-serialized :class:`dict <python:dict>`. Can also accept a 2-member :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` (inbound / outbound) which determines de-serialization and serialization support respectively. Defaults to ``False``, which means the column will not be serialized to a :class:`dict <python:dict>` or de-serialized from a :class:`dict <python:dict>`. :type supports_dict: :class:`bool <python:bool>` / :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` of form (inbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`, outbound: :class:`bool <python:bool>`) :param on_deserialize: A function that will be called when attempting to assign a de-serialized value to the column. This is intended to either coerce the value being assigned to a form that is acceptable by the column, or raise an exception if it cannot be coerced. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, the data type's default ``on_deserialize`` function will be called instead. .. tip:: If you need to execute different ``on_deserialize`` functions for different formats, you can also supply a :class:`dict <python:dict>`: .. code-block:: python on_deserialize = { 'csv': csv_on_deserialize_callable, 'json': json_on_deserialize_callable, 'yaml': yaml_on_deserialize_callable, 'dict': dict_on_deserialize_callable } Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type on_deserialize: callable / :class:`dict <python:dict>` with formats as keys and values as callables :param on_serialize: A function that will be called when attempting to serialize a value from the column. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, the data type's default ``on_serialize`` function will be called instead. .. tip:: If you need to execute different ``on_serialize`` functions for different formats, you can also supply a :class:`dict <python:dict>`: .. code-block:: python on_serialize = { 'csv': csv_on_serialize_callable, 'json': json_on_serialize_callable, 'yaml': yaml_on_serialize_callable, 'dict': dict_on_serialize_callable } Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type on_serialize: callable / :class:`dict <python:dict>` with formats as keys and values as callables :param csv_sequence: Indicates the numbered position that the column should be in in a valid CSV-version of the object. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. note:: If not specified, the column will go after any columns that *do* have a ``csv_sequence`` assigned, sorted alphabetically. If two columns have the same ``csv_sequence``, they will be sorted alphabetically. :type csv_sequence: :class:`int <python:int>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :returns: A collection of :class:`AttributeConfiguration` objects. :rtype: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`AttributeConfiguration` objects :raises ValueError: if ``model`` is not a Pydantic :class:`BaseModel <pydantic:pydantic.main.BaseModel>` """ if not checkers.is_type(model, ('ModelMetaclass')): raise ValueError('model must be a Pydantic ModelMetaclass object. ' 'Was: %s' % model.__class__.__name__) attribute_names = [x for x in model.__fields__] return_value = [AttributeConfiguration.from_pydantic_model(model, name = x, **kwargs) for x in attribute_names] return return_value
[docs]def validate_serialization_config(config): """Validate that ``config`` contains or can be converted to :class:`AttributeConfiguration` objects. :param config: Object or iterable of objects that represent :class:`AttributeConfigurations <AttributeConfiguration>` :type config: iterable of :class:`AttributeConfiguration` objects / iterable of :class:`dict <python:dict>` objects corresponding to a :class:`AttributeConfiguration` / :class:`AttributeConfiguration` / :class:`dict <python:dict>` object corresponding to a :class:`AttributeConfiguration` / :class:`pydantic.main.ModelMetaclass <pydantic:pydantic.main.ModelMetaclass>` object whose fields correspond to :class:`AttributeConfiguration` objects :rtype: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`AttributeConfiguration` objects """ if config and not checkers.is_iterable(config, forbid_literals = (str, bytes, dict, AttributeConfiguration)): config = [config] if not config: return [] if checkers.is_type(config[0], ('BaseModel', 'ModelMetaclass')): config = convert_pydantic_model(config[0]) return_value = [] for item in config: if isinstance(item, AttributeConfiguration) and item not in return_value: return_value.append(item) elif isinstance(item, dict): item = AttributeConfiguration(**item) if item not in return_value: return_value.append(item) return return_value